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There are 14 words containing G, N, P, 2S and Z

SUPERSIZINGsupersizing v. Present participle of supersize.
SUPERSIZE v. to increase the size of.
SYNOPSIZINGsynopsizing v. Present participle of synopsize.
SYNOPSIZE v. to make a synopsis of, also SYNOPSISE.
ZYGOSPHENESzygosphenes n. Plural of zygosphene.
ZYGOSPHENE n. a median process on the front part of the neural arch of the vertebrae of most snakes and some lizards, which fits into a fossa, called the zygantrum, on the back part of the arch in front.
PRESSURIZINGpressurizing v. Present participle of pressurize.
PRESSURIZE v. to place under pressure, also PRESSURISE.
HYPOSTASIZINGhypostasizing v. Present participle of hypostasize.
HYPOSTASIZE v. to treat as hypostasis; to personify, also HYPOSTASISE, HYPOSTATISE, HYPOSTATIZE.
PRUSSIANIZINGPrussianizing v. Present participle of Prussianize.
PRUSSIANIZE v. to make Prussian in character or principle, as in authoritarian control or rigid discipline, also PRUSSIANISE.
DEPRESSURIZINGdepressurizing v. Present participle of depressurize.
DEPRESSURIZE v. to reduce the air pressure in esp. suddenly, also DEPRESSURISE.
MISEMPHASIZINGmisemphasizing v. Present participle of misemphasize.
MISEMPHASIZE v. to emphasize wrongly, also MISEMPHASISE.
REPRESSURIZINGrepressurizing v. Present participle of repressurize.
REPRESSURIZE v. to pressurize again, also REPRESSURISE.
HYPOSENSITIZINGhyposensitizing v. Present participle of hyposensitize.
HYPOSENSITIZE v. to lower the sensitivity of, also HYPOSENSITISE.
PATRONIZINGNESSSorry, definition not available.
PHILOSOPHIZINGSphilosophizings n. Plural of philosophizing.
PHILOSOPHIZING n. the act of engaging in philosophy.
PIEZOMAGNETISMSPIEZOMAGNETISM n. magnetism developed in a similar way to piezoelectricity, using a magnetic instead of an electric field.
SUBSPECIALIZINGsubspecializing v. Present participle of subspecialize.
SUBSPECIALIZE v. to practise a subspecialty, also SUBSPECIALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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