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There are 15 words containing G, L, 2R, T and Z

ARTERIALIZINGarterializing v. Present participle of arterialize.
ARTERIALIZE v. to make arterial, also ARTERIALISE.
GYROSTABILIZERgyrostabilizer n. A device for stabilizing using a gyroscope.
gyro-stabilizer n. Alternative spelling of gyrostabilizer.
GYROSTABILIZER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILISER.
GYROSTABILIZERSgyrostabilizers n. Plural of gyrostabilizer.
gyro-stabilizers n. Plural of gyro-stabilizer.
GYROSTABILIZER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILISER.
IRRATIONALIZINGirrationalizing v. Present participle of irrationalize.
IRRATIONALIZE v. to make irrational, also IRRATIONALISE.
OVERFERTILIZINGoverfertilizing v. Present participle of overfertilize.
OVERFERTILIZE v. to fertilise excessively, also OVERFERTILISE.
PARTICULARIZINGparticularizing v. Present participle of particularize.
PARTICULARIZE v. to state in detail, also PARTICULARISE.
PRESTERILIZINGpresterilizing v. Present participle of presterilize.
PRESTERILIZE v. to sterilize in advance, also PRESTERILISE.
RECENTRALIZINGrecentralizing v. Present participle of recentralize.
RECRYSTALLIZINGrecrystallizing v. Present participle of recrystallize.
RECRYSTALLIZE v. to crystallize again, also RECRYSTALLISE.
REFLECTORIZINGreflectorizing v. Present participle of reflectorize.
REFLECTORIZE v. to make reflecting, also REFLECTORISE.
REGULARIZATIONregularization n. The act of making regular, of regularizing.
regularization n. (Machine learning) constraints and penalties imposed on a model to prevent it from overfitting.
REGULARIZATION n. the act of regularizing, also REGULARISATION.
REGULARIZATIONSregularizations n. Plural of regularization.
REGULARIZATION n. the act of regularizing, also REGULARISATION.
REMATERIALIZINGrematerializing v. Present participle of rematerialize.
REMATERIALIZE v. to materialize again, also REMATERIALISE.
REMILITARIZINGremilitarizing v. Present participle of remilitarize.
REMILITARIZE v. to militarize again, also REMILITARISE.
STRUCTURALIZINGstructuralizing v. Present participle of structuralize.
STRUCTURALIZE v. to organize or incorporate into a structure, also STRUCTURALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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