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There are 20 words containing G, I, P, R, U and W

PURSEWINGpursewing v. Present participle of pursew.
PURSEW v. (Spenser) to pursue, also PERSUE, POURSEW, POURSUE.
UPDRAWINGupdrawing v. Present participle of updraw.
UPDRAW v. to draw up.
UPGROWINGupgrowing n. The process of growth or maturation; growing up.
upgrowing v. Present participle of upgrow.
UPGROWING n. the act of upgrowing.
POURSEWINGpoursewing v. Present participle of poursew.
POURSEW v. (Spenser) to pursue, also PURSUE, PERSUE, POURSUE, PURSEW.
UNWRAPPINGunwrapping v. Present participle of unwrap.
unwrapping n. The act or process by which something is unwrapped.
UNWRAP v. to remove the wrapping of.
UPGROWINGSupgrowings n. Plural of upgrowing.
UPGROWING n. the act of upgrowing.
UPSWARMINGupswarming v. Present participle of upswarm.
UPSWARM v. (archaic) to rise or send upwards in a swarm.
UPTHROWINGupthrowing v. Present participle of upthrow.
UPTHROW v. to throw upward.
UPWHIRLINGupwhirling v. Present participle of upwhirl.
UPWHIRL v. to whirl up.
OUTPOWERINGoutpowering v. Present participle of outpower.
OUTPOWER v. to surpass in power.
OWERLOUPINGOWERLOUP v. (Scots) to leap over, also OVERLEAP.
WIREPULLINGwirepulling v. Present participle of wirepull.
WIREPULLING n. the use of private or secret influence for one's own ends.
MUGWUMPERIESMUGWUMPERY n. the acts and views of a mugwump, a bolter from the Republican party in 1884; a political independent.
PLOUGHWRIGHTploughwright n. (Chiefly Britain) Alternative spelling of plowwright.
PLOUGHWRIGHT n. one who makes ploughs, also PLOWWRIGHT.
SUPERHIGHWAYsuperhighway n. (US) An expressway, especially one designed for high speeds.
superhighway n. (By extension) A major route that carries most of the traffic going in a given direction by a specified…
superhighway n. (Metaphoric) The primary mechanism used in the movement of electronic data or information; information superhighway.
WIREPULLINGSWIREPULLING n. the use of private or secret influence for one's own ends.
PLOUGHWRIGHTSploughwrights n. Plural of ploughwright.
PLOUGHWRIGHT n. one who makes ploughs, also PLOWWRIGHT.
SUPERHIGHWAYSsuperhighways n. Plural of superhighway.
SUPERHIGHWAY n. a multilane highway (as an expressway or turnpike) designed for high-speed traffic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 246 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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