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There are 18 words containing G, I, K, L, P and U

PLUCKINGplucking v. Present participle of pluck.
plucking n. (Gerund of pluck) An act in which something is plucked.
plucking n. A fragment of something obtained by plucking.
PLUNKINGplunking v. Present participle of plunk.
plunking n. A noise that plunks.
PLUNK v. to twang; to pluck the strings of a harp.
UPLINKINGuplinking v. Present participle of uplink.
UPLINKING n. the act of transmitting by uplink.
UPLOCKINGuplocking v. Present participle of uplock.
UPLOCK v. to lock up.
UPLOOKINGuplooking v. Present participle of uplook.
UPLOOK v. to look up.
UPTALKINGuptalking n. The act of uptalking.
uptalking v. Present participle of uptalk.
UPTALKING n. the practice of speaking with a rising intonation at the end of each statement, as if one were asking a question.
PLAGUELIKEplaguelike adj. Like a plague.
PLAGUELIKE adj. like a plague.
SPELUNKINGspelunking n. The practice or hobby of exploring underground caverns.
spelunking v. Present participle of spelunk.
SPELUNKING n. the sport of exploring caves.
UPLINKINGSUPLINKING n. the act of transmitting by uplink.
UPSKILLINGupskilling v. Present participle of upskill.
UPSKILL v. to improve a person's skills.
UPTALKINGSUPTALKING n. the practice of speaking with a rising intonation at the end of each statement, as if one were asking a question.
KERPLUNKINGkerplunking v. Present participle of kerplunk.
KERPLUNK v. to drop with a heavy sound.
LIPOSUCKINGliposucking v. Present participle of liposuck.
LIPOSUCK v. to subject to liposuction.
PARBUCKLINGparbuckling v. Present participle of parbuckle.
PARBUCKLE v. to raise or lower (a cask, gun, etc.) with a parbuckle, a sling made by wrapping both ends of rope around object.
SPELUNKINGSspelunkings n. Plural of spelunking.
SPELUNKING n. the sport of exploring caves.
OUTSPARKLINGoutsparkling v. Present participle of outsparkle.
OUTSPARKLE v. to exceed in sparkling.
SPARKPLUGGINGsparkplugging v. Present participle of sparkplug.
SPARKPLUG v. to spark something off, in the manner of a sparkplug in a car carrying wires between which an electric spark passes to fire the explosive mixture of gases.
OUTPOLITICKINGoutpoliticking v. Present participle of outpolitick.
OUTPOLITICK v. to surpass in politicking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 241 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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