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There are 14 words containing G, H, 2S, U and W

BRAUNSCHWEIGERSBraunschweigers n. Plural of Braunschweiger.
BRAUNSCHWEIGER n. (German) smoked liverwurst.
BUSHWALKINGSBUSHWALKING n. hiking through the bush as a leisure activity.
BUSHWHACKINGSbushwhackings n. Plural of bushwhacking.
BUSHWHACKING n. the act of shooting someone from ambush.
CRUISERWEIGHTScruiserweights n. Plural of cruiserweight.
CRUISERWEIGHT n. a weight division in boxing.
HOUSEWARMINGShousewarmings n. Plural of housewarming.
house-warmings n. Plural of house-warming.
house␣warmings n. Plural of house warming.
SHOWGROUNDSshowgrounds n. Plural of showground.
SHOWGROUND n. a plot of land on which an outdoor show is held.
SHOWJUMPINGSSHOWJUMPING n. a competition in which a succession of riders on horseback have to jump a series of obstacles of different kinds.
SNOWPLOUGHSsnowploughs n. Plural of snowplough.
snow␣ploughs n. Plural of snow plough.
SNOWPLOUGH n. an implement operating like a plow, but on a larger scale, for clearing away the snow from roads, railways, etc.
SUPERGROWTHSsupergrowths n. Plural of supergrowth.
SUPERGROWTH n. exceptional growth.
SUPERHIGHWAYSsuperhighways n. Plural of superhighway.
SUPERHIGHWAY n. a multilane highway (as an expressway or turnpike) designed for high-speed traffic.
SWASHBUCKLINGswashbuckling adj. Adventurous, exciting.
SWASHBUCKLE v. to act the part of a swashbuckler.
WAREHOUSINGSwarehousings n. Plural of warehousing.
WAREHOUSING n. storage in a warehouse.
WELTANSCHAUUNGSweltanschauungs n. Plural of weltanschauung.
WELTANSCHAUUNG n. (German) a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world, esp. from a specific standpoint.
ZWISCHENZUGSzwischenzugs n. Plural of zwischenzug.
ZWISCHENZUG n. (German) in chess, a temporizing move (i.e. a delay in capturing, usually via a check).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 192 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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