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There are 16 words containing 2G, 2I, U and V

UNGIVINGungiving adj. Not giving; ungenerous.
UNGIVING adj. not giving.
DIVULGINGdivulging v. Present participle of divulge.
divulging n. The act by which something is divulged.
DIVULGE v. to reveal.
OUTGIVINGoutgiving v. Present participle of outgive.
outgiving n. Something given out or emitted.
OUTGIVING n. the act of outgiving.
OUTGIVINGSoutgivings n. Plural of outgiving.
OUTGIVING n. the act of outgiving.
DIVULGATINGdivulgating v. Present participle of divulgate.
DIVULGATE v. (archaic) to publish.
UNFORGIVINGunforgiving adj. Unwilling or unable to forgive or show mercy.
unforgiving adj. Having no allowance for weakness.
UNFORGIVING adj. unwilling or unable to forgive.
VULGARISINGvulgarising v. Present participle of vulgarise.
vulgarising adj. That makes vulgar; degrading.
VULGARISE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARIZE.
VULGARIZINGvulgarizing v. Present participle of vulgarize.
vulgarizing adj. That makes vulgar; degrading.
VULGARIZE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARISE.
AGGLUTINATIVEagglutinative adj. Sticky, tacky, adhesive.
agglutinative adj. (Grammar) having words derived by combining parts, each with a separate meaning.
agglutinative n. A sticky material; an adhesive.
OVERFATIGUINGoverfatiguing v. Present participle of overfatigue.
OVERFATIGUING adj. excessively fatiguing.
OVERINDULGINGoverindulging v. Present participle of overindulge.
over-indulging v. Present participle of over-indulge.
OVERINDULGE v. to indulge to excess.
UNVULGARISINGunvulgarising v. Present participle of unvulgarise.
UNVULGARISE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARIZE.
UNVULGARIZINGunvulgarizing v. Present participle of unvulgarize.
UNVULGARIZE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARISE.
VILLEGGIATURAvilleggiatura n. Country retirement; staying at a place in the country.
VILLEGGIATURA n. (Italian) a stay in the country.
VILLEGGIATURASVILLEGGIATURA n. (Italian) a stay in the country.
UNFORGIVINGNESSunforgivingness n. The quality of being unforgiving.
UNFORGIVINGNESS n. the state of being unforgiving, also UNFORGIVENESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 133 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 380 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 53 words

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