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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing G, M, 2N, R and T

GERMINANTgerminant adj. That germinates.
germinant n. A germinating plant.
GERMINANT adj. sprouting; sending forth germs or buds.
GRANTSMANgrantsman n. One who practices and is skilled at grantsmanship.
GRANTSMAN n. a specialist in grantsmanship, the art of obtaining grants for research.
GRANTSMENgrantsmen n. Plural of grantsman.
GRANTSMAN n. a specialist in grantsmanship, the art of obtaining grants for research.
INMIGRANTinmigrant n. A person who migrates to another part of the same region or country.
INMIGRANT adj. coming in from another area of the same country.
INMIGRANT n. an inmigrant person or animal, also IMMIGRANT.
MAGNETRONmagnetron n. (Physics) a device in which electrons are made to resonate in a specially shaped chamber and thus produce…
MAGNETRON n. a vacuum tube combined with a magnetic field to deflect electrons.
MENTORINGmentoring v. Present participle of mentor.
mentoring n. An arrangement by which one person mentors another.
MENTORING n. the act of serving as friend and tutor to.
REMINTINGreminting v. Present participle of remint.
REMINT v. to melt down and make into new coins.
STRONGMANstrongman n. Someone who performs feats of strength, sometimes in competitions or in a circus.
strongman n. A forceful or brutal person, usually a ruler or tyrant.
strong␣man n. Alternative form of strongman.
STRONGMENstrongmen n. Plural of strongman.
strong␣men n. Plural of strong man.
STRONGMAN n. a person who performs feats of strength, in a circus etc.
UNMITRINGunmitring v. Present participle of unmitre.
UNMITRE v. to depose from the rank of bishop, also UNMITER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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