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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing G, L, 2O, U and Y

AUDIOLOGYaudiology n. The study of the auditory and vestibular systems, and associated disorders.
audiology n. An allied health profession pertaining to the assessment and rehabilitation of hearing and balance disorders.
AUDIOLOGY n. the study of hearing.
BUMPOLOGYbumpology n. (Archaic, derogatory) phrenology.
BUMPOLOGY n. jocularly, the study of bumps on the head, aka phrenology.
EUCHOLOGYeuchology n. Euchologion; prayer book.
EUCHOLOGY n. (Greek) a formulary of prayers, esp. that of the Greek Church, also EUCHOLOGION.
MUSCOLOGYmuscology n. Bryology.
MUSCOLOGY n. the study of mosses.
MUSEOLOGYmuseology n. The design, organization, and management of museums.
MUSEOLOGY n. the study of museums.
NEUROLOGYneurology n. The branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of nervous system including the brain and spinal…
neurology n. (Medicine, colloquial) Focal neurologic signs; focal neurologic deficits.
neurology n. (Medicine, colloquial) The results of a neurological examination.
PLOUGHBOYploughboy n. (Historical) A boy who directed the animals that pulled a plough.
PLOUGHBOY n. a boy who drives or guides horses in ploughing, also PLOWBOY.
PLUTOLOGYplutology n. The science that deals with wealth.
PLUTOLOGY n. political economy; the study of wealth.
POLYGONUMpolygonum n. (Botany) Any of many plants, of the family Polygonaceae, embracing a large number of species, including…
Polygonum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Polygonaceae – including the various knotweeds, smartweeds, and bistort.
POLYGONUM n. any plant of the knotgrass family Polygonaceae.
TAUTOLOGYtautology n. (Uncountable) Redundant use of words, a pleonasm, an unnecessary and tedious repetition.
tautology n. (Countable) An expression that features tautology.
tautology n. (Countable, logic, propositional logic) A statement that is true for all truth values of its propositional variables.
URANOLOGYuranology n. (Obsolete) The study of the heavens and heavenly bodies.
uranology n. (Astronomy, geology) The scientific observation and study of the planet Uranus.
URANOLOGY n. the study of the heavens.
URINOLOGYurinology n. The study of urine as a way to analyse a patient’s health.
URINOLOGY n. the study of urine or the urinary tract, also OUROLOGY, UROLOGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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