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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing G, L, 2N, O and R

CONLANGERconlanger n. Someone who creates constructed languages (conlangs).
CONLANGER n. a person who creates an artificial language.
DRONINGLYdroningly adv. With a droning sound.
DRONING adv. DRONE, to make a monotonous humming sound.
ENROLLINGenrolling v. Present participle of enroll.
enrolling v. Present participle of enrol.
enrolling n. An enrolment.
LONGERONSlongerons n. Plural of longeron.
LONGERON n. (French) a longitudinal member of an aeroplane's fuselage.
LONGHORNSlonghorns n. Plural of longhorn.
LONGHORN n. one of a breed of long-horned cattle.
LONGICORNlongicorn adj. (Zoology) Long-horned.
longicorn adj. (Zoology, obsolete) Of or relating to the Longicornia, an obsolete group of insects. Some are now classified…
longicorn n. (Obsolete) One of the Longicornia, an obsolete group of long-horned beetles.
LONGLINERlongliner n. (Nautical) A fisherman or fishing boat that uses longlines.
LONGLINER n. one that fishes with a longline.
NONGLARESNONGLARE n. a material designed to eliminate glare.
NONGOLFERnongolfer n. A person who does not play golf.
NONGOLFER n. someone who is not a golfer.
NONRULINGnonruling adj. Not ruling; not in power.
NONRULING adj. not ruling.
NOURSLINGnoursling v. Present participle of noursle.
NOURSLE v. (Spenser) to foster, also NOUSELL, NOUSLE, NURSLE.
RELOANINGreloaning v. Present participle of reloan.
RELOAN v. to loan again.
UNLORDINGunlording v. Present participle of unlord.
UNLORD v. to strip of the dignity of a lord.
UNROLLINGunrolling v. Present participle of unroll.
unrolling n. The process by which something is unrolled.
unrolling n. (Historical) A pseudoscientific entertainment spectacle at which a mummy was unwrapped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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