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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing G, L, M, N, R and U

ALARUMINGalaruming v. (Archaic, rare) present participle of alarum.
ALARUM v. (archaic) to alarm, also LARUM.
CRUMBLINGcrumbling v. Present participle and gerund of crumble.
crumbling n. Material that has crumbled away; crumbs.
CRUMBLING n. the act of crumbling.
CRUMPLINGcrumpling v. Present participle of crumple.
crumpling n. The act by which something crumples.
crumpling n. A crumpled shape or structure.
DRUMBLINGdrumbling v. Present participle of drumble.
DRUMBLE v. (dialect) to move slowly.
FRUMPLINGfrumpling v. Present participle of frumple.
FRUMPLE v. (dialect) to wrinkle.
GRANULOMAgranuloma n. (Pathology) an inflammatory nodule consisting of histiocytes (macrophages) attempting to wall off substances…
granuloma n. (Medicine, less specific) any small nodule.
GRANULOMA n. a localized collection of granulation tissue.
GRUMBLINGgrumbling v. Present participle of grumble.
grumbling n. Complaining.
grumbling n. Rumbling.
LUMBERINGlumbering n. The act of one who lumbers; heavy, clumsy movement.
lumbering n. (US) The business of felling trees for lumber.
lumbering adj. Clumsy or awkward.
LUNGWORMSlungworms n. Plural of lungworm.
LUNGWORM n. a kind of parasitic worm.
MAULGRINGMAULGRE v. to show spite towards, also MALGRE, MAUGRE.
MISRULINGmisruling v. Present participle of misrule.
misruling n. A bad or wrong ruling.
MISRULE v. to rule unwisely or unjustly.
MULLERINGmullering v. Present participle of muller.
MULLER v. to inflict a severe defeat on, also MULLAH.
MULTURINGmulturing v. Present participle of multure.
MULTURE v. to take a fee for grinding grain, also MOUTER.
NGULTRUMSngultrums n. Plural of ngultrum.
NGULTRUM n. a monetary unit of Bhutan.
RUMBLINGSrumblings n. Plural of rumbling.
RUMBLING n. a deep, thunderous sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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