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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing G, 2L, 2O and Y

CALIOLOGYcaliology n. The study of birds’ nests.
CALIOLOGY n. the study of bird's nests.
COOLINGLYcoolingly adv. So as to grow cooler; losing warmth.
COOLING adv. serving to cool.
GLOBOSELYglobosely adv. In a globose manner.
GLOBOSE adv. shaped like a globe, also GLOBOUS.
GLYCOCOLLglycocoll n. (Biochemistry) A crystalline nitrogenous substance formed from hippuric acid by boiling with hydrochloric…
GLYCOCOLL n. another name for glycine.
GOLLYWOGSgollywogs n. Plural of gollywog.
HAPLOLOGYhaplology n. (Phonology, uncountable) The process of deleting one of two almost identical syllables within a word.
haplology n. (Phonology, countable) An instance of deleting one of two almost identical syllables within a word.
HAPLOLOGY n. the contraction of a word by the omission of one or more similar sounds or syllables (as in mineralogy for mineralology or prob-ly for probably).
HELIOLOGYheliology n. (Dated) heliophysics.
HELIOLOGY n. the science of the sun.
HOPLOLOGYhoplology n. The study of the methods, behaviour, and technology involved in human combat, particularly weapons and armour.
HOPLOLOGY n. the study of weapons.
LIMNOLOGYlimnology n. (Ecology) The science concerning the biological, physical and geological properties of fresh water bodies…
LIMNOLOGY n. the study of bodies of fresh water.
LITHOLOGYlithology n. (Uncountable) The study of rocks, with particular emphasis on their description and classification.
lithology n. (Countable) The general composition of a rock or rock sequence.
LITHOLOGY n. the study of rocks.
OLIGOPOLYoligopoly n. An economic condition in which a small number of sellers exert control over the market of a commodity.
OLIGOPOLY n. a market situation in which a few producers control the demand from a large number of buyers.
PALEOLOGYpaleology n. The study of antiquities or of the ancient past.
PALEOLOGY n. the study of prehistory, also PALAEOLOGY.
PHILOLOGYphilology n. The humanistic study of language.
philology n. (Uncommon) Linguistics.
philology n. (Philosophy) Love and study of learning and literature, broadly speaking.
PLUTOLOGYplutology n. The science that deals with wealth.
PLUTOLOGY n. political economy; the study of wealth.
POLLYWOGSpollywogs n. Plural of pollywog.
POLYGLOTSpolyglots n. Plural of polyglot.
POLYGLOT n. one who speaks many languages, also POLYGLOTT.
POLYGLOTTpolyglott adj. Obsolete spelling of polyglot.
polyglott n. Obsolete spelling of polyglot.
POLYGLOTT n. one who speaks many languages, also POLYGLOT.
POLYGONALpolygonal adj. Having many angles; hence characteristic of a polygon.
polygonal adj. Comprised of polygons.
POLYGONAL adj. like a polygon.
TELEOLOGYteleology n. (Philosophy) The study of the purpose or design of natural occurrences.
teleology n. (By extension) An instance of such a design or purpose, usually in natural phenomena.
teleology n. The use of a purpose or design rather than the laws of nature to explain an occurrence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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