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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing G, I, O, P and 2R

PAREGORICparegoric n. A painkiller; a medicine which soothes or relieves pain; specifically the traditional patent medicine…
paregoric adj. Assuaging or soothing pain.
PAREGORIC adj. soothing, lessening pain.
PARROTINGparroting v. Present participle of parrot.
parroting n. Mindless repetition of words or ideas.
PARROT v. to repeat without thought or understanding.
PORRIDGESporridges n. Plural of porridge.
PORRIDGE n. a soft meal of oatmeal, also PARRIDGE, PARRITCH.
PORRINGERporringer n. A small cup or bowl, usually with a handle, commonly used for porridge.
porringer n. (Obsolete) A headdress shaped like such a dish.
PORRINGER n. a small dish for soup or porridge, also PORRENGER, POTTINGER.
PORTERINGportering v. Present participle of porter.
PORTER v. to carry luggage.
PROCURINGprocuring v. Present participle of procure.
PROCURING n. the act of obtaining.
PROGERIASprogerias n. Plural of progeria.
PROGERIA n. a syndrome of children characterized by physical symptoms suggestive of premature senility.
PRORATINGprorating v. Present participle of prorate.
PRORATE v. to divide proportionately.
REPORTINGreporting n. (Economics, journalism) The creation of reports, as for a business or a journal.
reporting v. Present participle of report.
REPORTING adj. giving an account of.
REPOURINGrepouring v. Present participle of repour.
REPOUR v. to pour again.
REPROBINGreprobing n. Probing again.
REPROBE v. to probe again.
REPROVINGreproving v. Present participle of reprove.
reproving adj. Expressing reproof; reproachful or admonishing.
reproving n. The act of giving a reproof.
SPIROGRAMspirogram n. A graph of respiratory movement.
SPIROGRAM n. a record made by a spirograph, an instrument recording movements of breathing.
SPIROGYRAspirogyra n. Any of a group of freshwater, filamentous green algae, of the genus Spirogyra, having chloroplasts arranged…
SPIROGYRA n. any of various minute green filamentous freshwater algae constituting the genus Spirogyra.
UPROARINGuproaring v. Present participle of uproar.
UPROAR v. (Shakespeare) to throw into uproar or confusion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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