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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing G, I, M, 2R and S

AMBERGRISambergris n. A solid, waxy, flammable substance of a dull grey or blackish color, produced in the intestines of the…
amber-gris n. (Now largely obsolete and uncommon) Alternative spelling of ambergris.
amber␣gris n. (Now largely obsolete and uncommon) Alternative spelling of ambergris.
ARMIGEROSARMIGERO n. (Shakespeare) a person entitled to bear arms, also ARMIGER.
GARGARISMgargarism n. (Obsolete) Something used to gargle with; a gargle.
GARGARISM n. (obsolete) a gargle.
GRAMARIESGRAMARY n. occult learning or magic, also GRAMARYE.
GRIMACERSgrimacers n. Plural of grimacer.
GRIMACER n. one who grimaces.
GRIMOIRESgrimoires n. Plural of grimoire.
GRIMOIRE n. (French) a book of magical lore.
MARGARINSmargarins n. Plural of margarin.
MARGARIN n. a butter substitute.
MARIGRAMSmarigrams n. Plural of marigram.
MARIGRAM n. a record of tide levels.
MARRIAGESmarriages n. Plural of marriage.
Marriages prop.n. Plural of Marriage.
MARRIAGE n. the legal union of a man and woman.
MARRYINGSmarryings n. Plural of marrying.
MARRYING n. the act of marrying.
MIGRATORSmigrators n. Plural of migrator.
MIGRATOR n. one who migrates, also MIGRANT.
MISREGARDmisregard n. (Obsolete) Wrong understanding; misconstruction.
misregard n. Disregard; failure to heed or consider; contempt; neglect.
misregard v. (Transitive) To disregard; fail to heed; ignore; neglect.
MORRISINGmorrising v. Present participle of morris.
MORRIS v. to dance the morris.
RAGTIMERSragtimers n. Plural of ragtimer.
RAGTIMER n. one who plays ragtime music.
RIGORISMSrigorisms n. Plural of rigorism.
RIGORISM n. rigidity in principle or practice.
RINGWORMSringworms n. Plural of ringworm.
RINGWORM n. a contagious itching skin-disease occurring in small circular patches.
SPIROGRAMspirogram n. A graph of respiratory movement.
SPIROGRAM n. a record made by a spirograph, an instrument recording movements of breathing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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