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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing G, I, M, P, R and T

EMPARTINGemparting v. Present participle of empart.
EMPART v. (Spenser) to impart.
GRUMPIESTgrumpiest adj. Superlative form of grumpy: most grumpy.
GRUMPY adj. bad-tempered.
IMPARTINGimparting v. Present participle of impart.
imparting n. Communication (a giving or sharing of information etc).
imparting n. Distribution (a sharing or division of something).
IMPORTINGimporting v. Present participle of import.
IMPORTING n. the act of importing.
PERMUTINGpermuting v. Present participle of permute.
PERMUTE v. to alter the order, sequence, or arrangement of, also PERMUTATE.
PICTOGRAMpictogram n. A picture that represents a word or an idea by illustration.
PICTOGRAM n. a pictograph; a graphical representation.
POGROMISTpogromist n. One who supports, or carries out, a pogrom.
POGROMIST n. one who engages in pogroms.
PRAGMATICpragmatic adj. Practical, concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice, not just theory.
pragmatic adj. Philosophical; dealing with causes, reasons, and effects, rather than with details and circumstances;…
pragmatic adj. Interfering in the affairs of others; officious; meddlesome.
PROMOTINGpromoting v. Present participle of promote.
PROMOTE v. to help forward.
PROMPTINGprompting v. Present participle of prompt.
prompting n. The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.
PROMPTING n. the act of supplying a prompt.
PTARMIGANptarmigan n. Any of three species of small grouse in the genus Lagopus found in subarctic tundra areas of North America…
PTARMIGAN n. (Gaelic) a game-bird of the grouse family.
PTERYGIUMpterygium n. (Pathology) An abnormal mass of tissue in the corner of the eye that obstructs vision.
pterygium n. (Zoology) A generalized limb of a vertebrate.
PTERYGIUM n. a growth over the cornea.
REPIGMENTrepigment v. To pigment again.
REPIGMENT v. to pigment again.
STRAMPINGSTRAMP v. (Scots) to tread, stamp.
TAMPERINGtampering v. Present participle of tamper.
tampering n. The act of one who tampers.
TAMPERING n. the act of tampering.
TEMPERINGtempering v. Present participle of temper.
tempering n. The act by which something is tempered.
TEMPERING n. the act of tempering.
TEPHIGRAMtephigram n. (Meteorology) A graph that shows how dew point is dependent on temperature and entropy.
TEPHIGRAM n. a diagram on which information about vertical variation in the atmosphere is plotted.
TRAMPINGStrampings n. Plural of tramping.
TRAMPING n. the act of tramping.
TRAMPLINGtrampling v. Present participle of trample.
trampling n. The act of something that tramples.
TRAMPLING n. the act of trampling.
TRUMPINGStrumpings n. Plural of trumping.
TRUMPING n. the act of trumping.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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