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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing G, I, M, O, P and T

COEMPTINGCOEMPT v. to buy up the entire supply of a product.
COMPETINGcompeting adj. Being in the state of competition (often unintentionally).
competing v. Present participle of compete.
COMPETE v. to contend for a prize.
COMPUTINGcomputing n. (Literally) The process or act of calculation.
computing n. (Computer science) The use of a computer or computers.
computing n. The study of computers and computer programming.
GUMPTIONSgumptions n. Plural of gumption.
GUMPTION n. shrewdness.
GUMPTIOUSgumptious adj. (Colloquial) Having gumption.
GUMPTIOUS adj. possessing gumption.
IMPETIGOSimpetigos n. Plural of impetigo.
IMPETIGO n. (Latin) a skin disease.
IMPORTINGimporting v. Present participle of import.
IMPORTING n. the act of importing.
IMPOSTINGIMPOST v. to determine customs duties.
PICTOGRAMpictogram n. A picture that represents a word or an idea by illustration.
PICTOGRAM n. a pictograph; a graphical representation.
POGROMISTpogromist n. One who supports, or carries out, a pogrom.
POGROMIST n. one who engages in pogroms.
PROMOTINGpromoting v. Present participle of promote.
PROMOTE v. to help forward.
PROMPTINGprompting v. Present participle of prompt.
prompting n. The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.
PROMPTING n. the act of supplying a prompt.
TAMPONINGtamponing v. Present participle of tampon.
tamponing n. The application of a tampon or plug.
TAMPON v. to plug with a tampon, also TOMPON.
TOMPONINGTOMPON v. to plug with a tompon, also TAMPON.
TOPMAKINGtopmaking n. The processing of wool into "top" (bundles of combed slivers with the noils removed).
TOPMAKING n. the making of toy tops.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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