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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing G, I, M, N and 2T

ADMITTINGadmitting v. Present participle of admit.
admitting n. An act of admission; an allowing to enter.
ADMIT v. to allow to enter; to confess.
AGISTMENTagistment n. The taking in by any one of other people’s livestock to graze at a certain rate.
agistment n. A charge or rate against lands.
agistment n. (Historical) The taking and feeding of other people’s cattle in the king’s forests; the price paid for…
BOTTOMINGbottoming v. Present participle of bottom.
BOTTOMING n. the act of reaching the lowest point before stabilising or improving.
DEMITTINGdemitting v. Present participle of demit.
DEMIT v. to give up an office, resign.
IMITATINGimitating v. Present participle of imitate.
imitating n. An instance of imitation.
IMITATE v. to behave in the same way as.
IMMITTINGimmitting v. Present participle of immit.
IMMIT v. (obsolete) to insert, infuse.
MAGNETISTmagnetist n. One versed in magnetism; magnetician.
MAGNETIST n. an expert in magnetism.
MAGNETITEmagnetite n. (Mineralogy) A magnetic mineral, Fe3O4, one of the primary ores of iron. It has also been called lodestone.
MAGNETITE n. magnetic iron ore, called lodestone when polar.
MATTERINGmattering v. Present participle of matter.
mattering n. (Rare) The quality of something that matters; significance; importance.
MATTER v. to be of importance.
MISGOTTENmisgotten adj. Ill-gotten.
MISGOTTEN adj. (Spenser) unjustly gotten.
MITIGANTSmitigants n. Plural of mitigant.
MITIGANT n. something that mitigates.
MOTTLINGSmottlings n. Plural of mottling.
MOTTLING n. a blotched appearance.
MUTTERINGmuttering v. Present participle of mutter.
muttering n. Something that is muttered.
muttering n. A rumour.
NIGHTTIMEnighttime n. The hours of darkness between sunset and sunrise; the night.
nighttime adj. Pertaining to nighttime; appropriate to the night.
nighttime adj. Happening during the night.
REMITTINGremitting v. Present participle of remit.
remitting n. Remittance.
REMIT v. to send payment.
TEMPTINGStemptings n. Plural of tempting.
TEMPTING n. the act of tempting.
TUMULTINGtumulting v. Present participle of tumult.
TUMULT v. to make a great din and commotion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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