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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing G, I, K, O, S and T

EKLOGITESeklogites n. Plural of eklogite.
EKLOGITE n. a crystalline rock containing red garnet, also ECLOGITE.
GHOSTLIKEghostlike adj. Seemingly invisible; as a ghost, similar to a ghost.
GHOSTLIKE adj. like a ghost.
GLOWSTICKglowstick n. Alternative spelling of glow stick.
glow␣stick n. A single-use translucent plastic tube containing isolated substances which when combined are capable…
GLOWSTICK n. a plastic tube containing a luminescent material, waved or held aloft at gigs, raves etc.
GOATSKINSgoatskins n. Plural of goatskin.
GOATSKIN n. the hide of a goat.
GOLDSTICKGoldstick n. Alternative form of Gold Stick (“ceremonial bodyguard”).
Goldstick prop.n. A surname.
Gold␣Stick n. A ceremonial bodyguard to the British Royal Household, holding the rank of colonel.
KINGBOLTSkingbolts n. Plural of kingbolt.
KINGBOLT n. a central bolt connecting an axle to a vehicle, also KINGPIN.
KINGPOSTSkingposts n. Plural of kingpost.
king␣posts n. Plural of king post.
KINGPOST n. a perpendicular beam in the frame of a roof.
KNOTTINGSknottings n. Plural of knotting.
KNOTTING n. fancywork made by knotting.
KOFTGARISKOFTGARI n. (Urdu) the craft of inlaying steel with gold.
OUTASKINGoutasking v. Present participle of outask.
OUTASK v. to surpass in asking.
RESTOKINGrestoking v. Present participle of restoke.
RESTOKE v. to stoke again.
SOCKETINGsocketing v. Present participle of socket.
SOCKET v. to provide with an opening for an appliance.
STOCKINGSstockings n. Plural of stocking.
Stockings prop.n. Plural of Stocking.
STOCKING n. a covering for the foot and leg.
STOOKINGSSTOOKING n. the act of putting corn in stooks.
STROKINGSstrokings n. Plural of stroking.
strokings n. Strippings; the last milk drawn from a cow at a milking.
STROKING n. the act of stroking.
TWOCKINGSTWOCKING n. the offence of taking (a car) without the owner's consent, also TWOCCING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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