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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing G, I, K, L, N and T

GIANTLIKEgiantlike adj. Like a giant; enormous.
GIANTLIKE adj. like a giant.
KINGBOLTSkingbolts n. Plural of kingbolt.
KINGBOLT n. a central bolt connecting an axle to a vehicle, also KINGPIN.
KINGLIESTkingliest adj. Superlative form of kingly: most kingly.
KINGLY adj. befitting a king.
KINTLEDGEkintledge n. Alternative form of kentledge.
KINTLEDGE n. pig-iron used as ballast in a ship's hold, also KENTLEDGE.
LOOKITINGSorry, definition not available.
NIGHTLIKEnightlike adj. Resembling night or some aspect of it; dark, tenebrous.
NIGHTLIKE adj. like the night.
SKITTLINGskittling v. Present participle of skittle.
SKITTLE v. to knock down.
SKLENTINGSKLENT v. (Scots) to slant.
SKUTTLINGskuttling v. Present participle of skuttle.
SKUTTLE v. to move or run with short steps, also SCUDDLE, SCUTTLE.
STALKINGSstalkings n. Plural of stalking.
STALKING n. the act of stalking.
STICKLINGstickling v. Present participle of stickle.
STICKLING n. making objections.
TACKLINGStacklings n. Plural of tackling.
TACKLING n. equipment for a particular purpose.
TANGOLIKEtangolike adj. Characteristic of tango music or dance.
TANGOLIKE adj. like a tango, a kind of dance.
TICKLINGSticklings n. Plural of tickling.
TICKLING n. the act of tickling.
TINKLINGStinklings n. Plural of tinkling.
TINKLING n. the sound of something that tinkles.
TRICKLINGtrickling v. Present participle of trickle.
trickling n. The act or result of something that trickles.
TRICKLING adj. in small drops.
TRUCKLINGtruckling adj. Apt to truckle, often fawning, obsequious, ingratiating.
truckling v. Present participle of truckle.
truckling n. Fawning; ingratiation.
TWINKLINGtwinkling adj. Sparkling intermittently.
twinkling v. Present participle and gerund of twinkle.
twinkling n. A shining with fast intermittent light.
UPTALKINGuptalking n. The act of uptalking.
uptalking v. Present participle of uptalk.
UPTALKING n. the practice of speaking with a rising intonation at the end of each statement, as if one were asking a question.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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