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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing G, 3I, L and S

AGILITIESagilities n. Plural of agility.
AGILITY n. nimbleness.
DIGITALISdigitalis n. Any plant of the genus Digitalis (herbaceous plants of the Plantaginaceae family, including the foxglove…
digitalis n. (Medicine) A medical extract of Digitalis purpurea prescribed for heart failure etc.
Digitalis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plantaginaceae – foxglove and similar plants.
DISLIKINGdisliking n. Gerund of dislike: a dislike.
disliking v. Present participle of dislike.
DISLIKE v. to regard with aversion.
IDOLISINGidolising v. Present participle of idolise.
IDOLISE v. to worship, also IDOLIZE.
LAICISINGlaicising v. Present participle of laicise.
LAICISE v. to free from clerical control, also LAICIZE.
LAIRISINGlairising v. Present participle of lairise.
LAIRISE v. (Australian) to act like a flashy man, also LAIRIZE.
LIGNIFIESlignifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lignify.
LIGNIFY v. to convert into wood.
LIMITINGSlimitings n. Plural of limiting.
LIMITING n. the act of limiting.
LINGUINISlinguinis n. Plural of linguini.
LINGUINI n. (Italian) a kind of pasta made in narrow strips, also LINGUINE.
LINISHINGlinishing v. Present participle of linish.
LINISHING n. the act of giving a smooth surface to metal.
LIONISINGlionising v. Present participle of lionise.
LIONISE v. to treat as a celebrity, also LIONIZE.
LITIGIOUSlitigious adj. Of or relating to litigation.
litigious adj. Inclined to engage in lawsuits.
litigious adj. Argumentative or combative.
MISFILINGmisfiling v. Present participle of misfile.
misfiling n. An incorrect filing.
MISFILE v. to file in the wrong place.
MISLIKINGmisliking v. Present participle of mislike.
misliking n. Dislike; disapproval.
MISLIKING n. the act of misliking.
MISLIVINGmisliving v. Present participle of mislive.
misliving n. (Archaic) Sinful living.
MISLIVE v. to live a bad life.
SHILINGISSHILINGI n. a monetary unit of Tanzania.
UTILISINGutilising v. Present participle of utilise.
UTILISE v. to make use of, also UTILIZE.
VITILIGOSvitiligos n. Plural of vitiligo.
VITILIGO n. (Latin) a rare skin disease consisting in the development of smooth, milk-white spots upon various parts of the body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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