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There are 14 nine-letter words containing G, H, L, O, R and T

ALGORITHMalgorithm n. (Countable) A collection of ordered steps that solve a mathematical problem. A precise step-by-step…
algorithm n. (Uncountable, obsolete) Calculation with Arabic numerals; algorism.
ALGORITHM n. a step-by-step procedure for solving a particular problem or set of problems.
CHORTLINGchortling v. Present participle of chortle.
chortling n. The act of giving a chortle.
CHORTLE v. to chuckle with glee.
DROPLIGHTdroplight n. Alternative spelling of drop light.
drop␣light n. A lamp that is suspended, for example via a cable.
drop␣light n. (Railways) A window in a train carriage that is opened by pushing it downward into the door.
GHOSTLIERghostlier adj. Comparative form of ghostly: more ghostly.
GHOSTLY adj. relating to the soul; spiritual; as, a ghostly confessor.
GRANOLITHgranolith n. A paving stone made from granite chippings in a cement aggregate.
GRANOLITH n. a paving material consisting of a mixture of cement and crushed granite or granite chippings.
LARGHETTOlarghetto adj. (Music) Slower than adagio but not as slow as largo; nearly andantino.
larghetto n. The larghetto tempo.
larghetto n. A composition or movement to be played larghetto.
LOGARITHMlogarithm n. (Mathematics) For a number 𝑥, the power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain…
LOGARITHM n. a mathematical operation used esp. before electronic computing, to simplify multiplication and division.
OVERLIGHToverlight v. (Transitive) To illuminate too brightly.
overlight v. (Transitive) To illuminate from above.
overlight n. Excessive light.
REGOLITHSregoliths n. Plural of regolith.
REGOLITH n. a layer of loose rock overlaying solid rock.
THEOLOGERtheologer n. A theologian.
THEOLOGER n. a theologian.
THEROLOGYTHEROLOGY n. the study of wild mammals.
THRONGFULthrongful adj. (Poetic) thronged; crowded.
THRONGFUL adj. thronged.
THROUGHLYthroughly adv. (Now rare, archaic) Thoroughly, completely.
THROUGHLY adv. (archaic) far through.
TURLOUGHSturloughs n. Plural of turlough.
TURLOUGH n. (Irish) a pond that dries up in summer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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