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There are 17 nine-letter words containing G, H, I, O, R and Y

AMPHIGORYamphigory n. A nonsense verse; a rigmarole, with apparent meaning, which on further attention proves to be meaningless.
AMPHIGORY n. a nonsensical piece of writing, usually in verse form, typically composed as a parody, also AMPHIGOURI.
BIOGRAPHYbiography n. A person’s life story, especially one published.
biography n. The art of writing this kind of story.
biography v. (Transitive) To write a biography of.
CHIROLOGYchirology n. Palm reading.
chirology n. The use of the manual alphabet; signing.
CHIROLOGY n. the language of gesture; the study of the hands.
COPYRIGHTcopyright n. (Uncountable) The right by law to be the entity which determines who may publish, copy and distribute…
copyright n. (Countable) Such an exclusive right as it pertains to one or more specific works.
copyright n. (Uncountable, informal, nonstandard) A violation of copyright law; copyright infringement.
GROUCHILYgrouchily adv. In a grouchy manner.
GROUCHY adv. ill-tempered.
HIEROLOGYhierology n. The comparative and historical study of religions.
HIEROLOGY n. the science of sacred matters.
HOORAYINGhooraying v. Present participle of hooray.
HOORAY v. to shout hooray, also HOORAH, HURRA, HURRAH, HURRAY.
HYGRISTORhygristor n. A humidity sensor that works by measuring electrical resistance.
HYGRISTOR n. an electronic component whose resistance varies with humidity.
HYGRODEIKhygrodeik n. A form of hygrometer having wet and dry bulb thermometers, with an adjustable index showing the percentage…
HYGRODEIK n. a form of hygrometer having wet and dry bulb thermometers.
HYGROPHILHYGROPHIL adj. moisture-loving; living where there is much moisture, also HYGROPHILOUS.
OGREISHLYogreishly adv. Like an ogre.
OGREISH adv. resembling an ogre, also OGRISH.
OLIGARCHYoligarchy n. A government run by only a few, often the wealthy.
oligarchy n. Those who make up an oligarchic government.
oligarchy n. A state ruled by such a government.
OUTHYRINGOUTHYRE v. (Spenser) to hire out.
RHINOLOGYrhinology n. The scientific study of the nose.
RHINOLOGY n. the study of the nose.
ROGUISHLYroguishly adv. In a roguish manner.
ROGUISH adv. dishonest.
TROPHYINGtrophying v. Present participle of trophy.
TROPHY v. to honour with a symbol of victory.
WORTHYINGworthying v. Present participle of worthy.
WORTHY v. (obsolete) to make worthy, to honour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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