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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing G, H, 2I, L and R

CHOIRGIRLchoirgirl n. A girl who sings in a choir.
CHOIRGIRL n. a female member of a choir.
FIRELIGHTfirelight n. The light of a fire, such as from a campfire or fireplace.
FIRELIGHT n. the light of a (usually domestic) fire.
FLIGHTIERflightier adj. Comparative form of flighty: more flighty.
FLIGHTY adj. fickle.
GIRLISHLYgirlishly adv. In a girlish manner.
GIRLISH adv. like a girl, or suitable for a girl.
GIRTHLINEgirthline n. The circumference of an animal, measured under the belly and over the back; the part of the animal over…
girthline n. A real or imaginary line around the girth of something.
girthline n. A rope or cable that attaches around the girth of something.
GLITCHIERglitchier adj. Comparative form of glitchy: more glitchy.
GLITCHY adj. characterised by glitches.
HIGHFLIERhighflier n. A person who or a type of aircraft that flies at high elevations.
highflier n. (Idiomatic) An ambitious person, especially one who takes risks or has an extravagant lifestyle.
highflier n. (Fishing) A vertical pole used in commercial fishing to locate the beginning and end of a long fishing line.
HIRELINGShirelings n. Plural of hireling.
HIRELING n. one that works for money only.
HIRSELINGHIRSEL v. (Scots) to herd sheep.
PHILTRINGphiltring v. Present participle of philtre.
PHILTRE v. to put under the spell of a love potion, also PHILTER.
RELISHINGrelishing v. Present participle of relish.
relishing adj. Appetizing, delightful.
relishing adj. That relishes something; showing relish or enjoyment.
SHINGLIERshinglier adj. Comparative form of shingly: more shingly.
SHINGLY adj. covered with small, loose stones.
SHRILLINGshrilling v. Present participle of shrill.
shrilling n. A sound that shrills.
SHRILLING n. a piercing sound.
SIGHTLIERsightlier adj. Comparative form of sightly: more sightly.
SIGHTLY adj. pleasing to look at.
THRILLINGthrilling v. Present participle of thrill.
thrilling adj. Causing a feeling of sudden excitement.
thrilling n. A thrill.
TIGRISHLYtigrishly adv. Alternative form of tigerishly.
TIGRISH adv. resembling a tiger, also TIGERISH.
WHIRLIGIGwhirligig n. Anything that whirls or spins around, such as a toy top or a merry-go-round.
whirligig n. A device incorporating spinning, wind-driven propellers or pinwheels, used as whimsical outdoor decoration…
whirligig n. A whirligig beetle.
WHIRLINGSwhirlings n. Plural of whirling.
WHIRLING n. the act of whirling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 19 words
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 65 words

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