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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2G, N, 2O and R

FOREGOINGforegoing adj. Occurring before or in front of something else, in time, place, rank or sequence.
foregoing v. Present participle of forego.
FOREGOING n. something that goes before.
GOITROGENgoitrogen n. Any agent that causes goiter, such as thiouracil.
GOITROGEN n. a substance (such as thiourea or thiouracil) that induces goiter formation.
GORGONEIAgorgoneia n. Plural of gorgoneion.
GORGONEION n. (Greek) a mask carved in imitation of a Gorgon's head.
GORGONIANgorgonian adj. Of or relating to the mythical gorgon; terrible or repulsive.
gorgonian adj. Of or relating to any coral of the order Alcyonacea.
gorgonian n. A member of the order Alcyonacea, comprising the soft corals.
GORGONISEgorgonise v. Alternative form of gorgonize.
GORGONISE v. to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on, to petrify, also GORGONIZE.
GORGONIZEgorgonize v. (Transitive) To stupefy, paralyze or petrify.
GORGONIZE v. to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on, to petrify, also GORGONISE.
GROOMINGSgroomings n. Plural of grooming.
GROOMING n. the act of grooming.
GROUNDHOGgroundhog n. A red-brown marmot, Marmota monax, native to North America.
groundhog n. (Rare) The aardvark.
ground-hog n. Alternative form of groundhog.
OVERGOINGovergoing v. Present participle of overgo.
overgoing n. An excess; behaviour that goes too far.
OVERGOING n. a passing over.
POGROMINGpogroming v. Present participle of pogrom.
POGROM v. (Russian) to massacre systematically.
SCROOGINGscrooging v. Present participle of scrooge.
SCROOGE v. to crowd; to squeeze, also SCROUGE, SCROWDGE, SCRUZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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