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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2G, I, 2S and U

ASSUAGINGassuaging v. Present participle of assuage.
assuaging n. The act of one who assuages.
ASSUAGING n. the act of making less severe.
BUGGINESSbugginess n. The quality of being buggy.
BUGGINESS n. the state of being buggy.
DRUGGISTSdruggists n. Plural of druggist.
DRUGGIST n. a person who deals in drugs, a pharmacist.
FUGGINESSFUGGINESS n. the state of being fuggy.
GUESSINGSguessings n. Plural of guessing.
GUESSING n. the process of making guesses.
GUNSIGHTSgunsights n. Plural of gunsight.
GUNSIGHT n. a device helping the user of a gun to aim at a target.
GUSSETINGgusseting v. Present participle of gusset.
gusseting n. Material for making gussets.
GUSSETING n. the act of furnishing with a reinforcing piece of material.
JUGGINSESjugginses n. Plural of juggins.
JUGGINS n. a simpleton.
MISGAUGESmisgauges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misgauge.
MISGAUGE v. to gauge incorrectly, also MISGAGE.
MUGGINESSmugginess n. The characteristic of being muggy.
MUGGINESS n. the quality of being muggy.
MUGGINSESmugginses n. Plural of muggins.
MUGGINS n. a fool, a sucker, esp. used facetiously to refer to oneself as such.
PUGGINESSpugginess n. Quality of being puggy.
PUGGINESS n. the state of being puggy, like a monkey.
SMUDGINGSsmudgings n. Plural of smudging.
SMUDGING n. the act of smudging.
SQUIGGLESsquiggles n. Plural of squiggle.
SQUIGGLE v. to writhe about; squirm, wriggle.
STUGGIESTSTUGGY adj. (dialect) thickset, stout.
SUGARINGSsugarings n. Plural of sugaring.
SUGARING n. sweetening with sugar.
THUGGISMSTHUGGISM n. the practices of Indian thugs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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