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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2G, I, O, T and U

DEGOUTINGDEGOUT v. (French) to make (something) into drops.
GROUTINGSgroutings n. Plural of grouting.
GROUTING n. thin mortar used to fill cracks.
OUTGAZINGoutgazing v. Present participle of outgaze.
OUTGAZE v. to surpass in gazing.
OUTGIVINGoutgiving v. Present participle of outgive.
outgiving n. Something given out or emitted.
OUTGIVING n. the act of outgiving.
OUTGOINGSoutgoings n. Plural of outgoing.
OUTGOING n. a departure; an expenditure.
OUTRAGINGoutraging v. Present participle of outrage.
outraging n. (Archaic) The committing of an outrage.
OUTRAGE v. to arouse anger or resentment in.
OUTRIGGEDoutrigged v. Simple past tense and past participle of outrig.
OUTRIG v. to equip (a boat) with outriggers (projections having floats).
OUTRIGGERoutrigger n. (Nautical) Any of various projecting beams or spars that provide support for a sailing ship’s mast.
outrigger n. (Nautical) A long thin timber, pontoon, or other float attached parallel to a canoe or boat by projecting…
outrigger n. (Rowing) An outrigger canoe or boat.
RAGOUTINGragouting v. Present participle of ragout.
RAGOUT v. (French) to make into a highly seasoned stew.
TONGUINGStonguings n. Plural of tonguing.
TONGUING n. the use of the tongue in playing a wind instrument.
TROUGHINGtroughing v. Present participle of trough.
troughing v. As a noun: cable troughing.
TROUGHING n. the act of consuming greedily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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