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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2G, I, 2N and W

BEGNAWINGbegnawing v. Present participle of begnaw.
BEGNAW v. to gnaw.
GNAWINGLYgnawingly adv. In a manner that chafes or worries.
GNAWING adv. of a pain, eating away.
GREENWINGgreenwing n. A common and widespread duck in North America, Anas carolinensis or Anas crecca carolinensis.
GREENWING n. a green-winged teal.
INGROWINGingrowing adj. Growing inwards or abnormally towards (a part of the body).
INGROWING adj. growing in, as e.g. a toenail.
NIGHTGOWNnightgown n. A long loose robe worn mainly by women for sleeping in.
nightgown n. A dressing gown.
NIGHTGOWN n. a gown worn for bed.
SWINDGINGswindging v. Present participle of swindge.
SWINDGE v. (Shakespeare) to swinge, beat.
SWINGEINGswingeing adj. (Chiefly Britain) Huge, immense.
swingeing adj. Heavy, powerful, scathing.
swingeing v. (Archaic) present participle of swinge.
SWINGINGSswingings n. Plural of swinging.
SWINGING n. the practice of swapping sex partners.
SWINGLINGswingling v. Present participle of swingle.
swingling n. (Countable, uncountable) The act or process of beating flax in order to extract the fibres.
SWINGLING n. the act of swingling, beating flax to separate the fibres.
TWANGINGStwangings n. Plural of twanging.
TWANGING n. the act of twanging.
TWANGLINGtwangling v. Present participle of twangle.
twangling n. A twang; a sound that twangles.
TWANGLING adj. making a twangling sound.
TWINGEINGtwingeing v. Present participle of twinge.
TWINGE v. to affect with a sharp pain.
UNGOWNINGungowning v. Present participle of ungown.
UNGOWN v. to strip of a gown.
WAGGONINGwaggoning v. Present participle of waggon.
WAGGON v. to transport in a four wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, also WAGON.
WANGLINGSwanglings n. Plural of wangling.
WANGLING n. the act of wangling.
WHEENGINGWHEENGE v. (Scots) to whinge.
WHINGDINGwhingding n. Alternative form of wingding.
WHINGDING n. a lively party, also WINGDING.
WHINGEINGwhingeing v. Present participle of whinge.
whingeing n. A peevish complaint.
WHINGEING adj. whining, complaining.
WINGDINGSwingdings n. Plural of wingding.
Wingdings prop.n. (Computing, trademark) A dingbat font in which each character is represented by an unrelated symbol.
Wingdings n. Plural of Wingding.
WRANGLINGwrangling n. Contention; gainstriving.
wrangling n. Dispute; disputation; quarreling.
wrangling n. A dispute; a contentious argument; a brawl.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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