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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2G, I, L, O and R

AGRIOLOGYagriology n. The comparative study of primitive, illiterate or "savage" cultures.
AGRIOLOGY n. the comparative study of primitive peoples.
AGROLOGICagrologic adj. Relating to agrology.
AGROLOGIC adj. relating to agrology, the study of agricultural soils.
BLOGRINGSblogrings n. Plural of blogring.
BLOGRING n. a number of blogs joined in a ring.
FROGLINGSfroglings n. Plural of frogling.
FROGLING n. a small frog, also FROGLET.
GEORGICALgeorgical adj. Georgic; relating to rural affairs.
GEORGICAL adj. agricultural.
GLAMORINGglamoring v. Present participle of glamor.
GLAMOR v. to bewitch, also GLAMOUR.
GLOWERINGglowering v. Present participle of glower.
glowering n. The act of giving a glower.
GLOWER v. to look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger.
GOLLARINGgollaring v. Present participle of gollar.
GOLLAR v. (Scots) to make a loud gurgling sound, also GOLLER.
GOLLERINGgollering v. Present participle of goller.
GOLLER v. (Scots) to make a loud gurgling sound, also GOLLAR.
GROPINGLYgropingly adv. In a groping manner; blindly.
GROPING adv. GROPE, to feel about with the hands.
GROVELINGgroveling v. (US) present participle of grovel.
groveling n. The act of one who grovels.
GROVELING n. the act of humbling oneself.
GROWINGLYgrowingly adv. To a growing or increasing degree.
GROWING adv. increasing.
GROWLINGSgrowlings n. Plural of growling.
GROWLING n. the act of growling.
LOGOGRIPHlogogriph n. A kind of puzzle where a series of verses give clues leading to a particular word.
LOGOGRIPH n. a riddle in which a word is found from other words' letters.
PORWIGGLEporwiggle n. Alternative form of polliwog.
REGLOWINGreglowing v. Present participle of reglow.
REGLOW v. to glow again.
SHOGGLIERSHOGGLY adj. (Scots) shaky, also SHOOGLY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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