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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2G, 2I, L and T

ALIGHTINGalighting v. Present participle of alight.
alighting n. The act of one who alights.
ALIGHT v. to dismount.
BLIGHTINGblighting v. Present participle of blight.
blighting n. The act by which something is blighted.
BLIGHTING adj. causing decay.
FLIGHTINGflighting v. Present participle of flight.
FLIGHT v. to migrate in a flock.
GELIGNITEgelignite n. An explosive mixture of nitroglycerine and nitrate absorbed onto a base of wood pulp.
GELIGNITE n. a powerful explosive used in mining, made from nitroglycerine, nitrocotton, potassium nitrate and wood-pulp.
GIGGLIESTgiggliest adj. Superlative form of giggly: most giggly.
GIGGLY adj. tending to giggle.
GIMLETINGgimleting v. Present participle of gimlet.
GIMLET v. to pierce as with a gimlet.
HIGHLIGHThighlight n. (Painting, photography) An area or a spot in a drawing, painting, or photograph that is strongly illuminated.
highlight n. (Figurative) An especially significant or interesting detail or event or period of time.
highlight n. (Cosmetics) A strand or spot of hair dyed a different color than the rest.
JIGGLIESTjiggliest adj. Superlative form of jiggly: most jiggly.
JIGGLY adj. given to jiggling.
LIGHTINGSlightings n. Plural of lighting.
LIGHTING n. illumination.
LIGHTNINGlightning n. A flash of light produced by short-duration, high-voltage discharge of electricity within a cloud, between…
lightning n. A discharge of this kind.
lightning n. (Figuratively) Anything that moves very fast.
NIGGLIESTniggliest adj. Superlative form of niggly: most niggly.
NIGGLY adj. trifling.
PLIGHTINGplighting v. Present participle of plight.
plighting n. The act by which something is plighted or pledged.
PLIGHT v. to make a solemn pledge.
SLIGHTINGslighting v. Present participle of slight.
slighting adj. In the manner of a slight; belittling, deprecative.
slighting n. The act of giving a slight or snub.
TINGLINGStinglings n. Plural of tingling.
TINGLING n. the act of tingling.
WIGGLIESTwiggliest adj. Superlative form of wiggly: most wiggly.
WIGGLY adj. tending to wiggle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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