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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing G, M, N, O, S and T

AGAMONTSagamonts n. Plural of agamont.
AGAMONT n. in protozoans, a SCHIZONT, a mature trophozoite about to reproduce by schizogony.
ANGSTROMangstrom n. (Physics) A unit of length equal to 10−10 meters (that is, one ten-billionth of a meter), approximately…
Angstrom n. Alternative letter-case form of angstrom.
angström n. Alternative form of angstrom.
ANTISMOGantismog adj. That reduce the production of pollutants that cause smog.
antismog adj. That counters the effects of smog.
ANTISMOG adj. designed to reduce smog.
EMONGESTemongest prep. Obsolete form of amongst.
EMONGEST prep. (obsolete) in the midst of, also AMONG, AMONGST, EMONG, EMONGES, EMONGST, MONGST.
GEMSTONEgemstone n. A gem, usually made of minerals.
GEMSTONE n. a precious or semiprecious stone, esp. one cut and polished for setting in jewellery.
GEOMANTSgeomants n. Plural of geomant.
GEOMANT n. one who practises geomancy, also GEOMANCER.
GNOMISTSgnomists n. Plural of gnomist.
GNOMIST n. a writer of aphorisms.
MAGNETOSmagnetos n. Plural of magneto.
MAGNETO n. a small electric generator which uses permanent magnets; specifically one used for ignition in an internal-combustion engine.
MEGATONSmegatons n. Plural of megaton.
MEGATON n. a unit of explosive force.
MITOGENSmitogens n. Plural of mitogen.
MITOGEN n. a substance that causes cells to divide.
MOISTINGmoisting v. Present participle of moist.
MOIST v. to wet slightly.
MONTAGESmontages n. Plural of montage.
MONTAGE v. (French) to combine into a composite picture.
MOOTINGSmootings n. Plural of mooting.
MOOTING n. a meeting, the holding of a moot.
MOUSTINGMOUST v. to powder, also MUIST.
SMOOTINGSMOOT v. (slang) to work as a compositor doing odd jobs, also SMOUT.
SMOUTINGsmouting v. Present participle of smout.
SMOUT v. (Scots) to work as a compositor doing odd jobs, also SMOOT.
STOMPINGstomping v. Present participle of stomp.
stomping adj. In a way that stomps or suggests stomping; stompy; thumping.
stomping n. The act of one who stomps.
STORMINGstorming v. Present participle of storm.
storming n. The act by which something is stormed.
storming n. The act of one who storms or rages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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