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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing G, L, O, R, S and U

ARUGOLASARUGOLA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGULA, RUCOLA, RUGOLA.
FULGOURSfulgours n. Plural of fulgour.
FULGOUR n. splendour, also FULGOR.
FURLONGSfurlongs n. Plural of furlong.
Furlongs prop.n. Plural of Furlong.
FURLONG n. one eighth of a mile.
GLABROUSglabrous adj. Bald, hairless; smooth.
GLABROUS adj. smooth, also GLABRATE.
GLAMOURSglamours n. Plural of glamour.
GLAMOUR v. to bewitch, also GLAMOR.
GLAREOUSglareous adj. (Archaic) glairy.
GLAREOUS adj. growing on gravel; (archaic) slimy, viscous, also GLAIREOUS.
GLORIOUSglorious adj. Exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory.
glorious adj. Excellent, wonderful; delightful.
glorious adj. Bright or shining…
GOLDURNSGOLDURN n. an expression of anger, also GOLDARN.
LANGUORSlanguors n. Plural of languor.
LANGUOR n. listlessness, weariness.
LONGSPURlongspur n. A specific type of bird, of the genus Calcarius; it has a long claw on the hind toe of each foot.
LONGSPUR n. any of several North American buntings of the genus Calcarius.
LOUNGERSloungers n. Plural of lounger.
LOUNGER n. a comfortable sometimes adjustable couch or extending chair designed for someone to relax on.
LOURINGSlourings n. Plural of louring.
LOURING n. the act of louring.
LUGWORMSlugworms n. Plural of lugworm.
LUGWORM n. a burrowing marine worm, much used as fishing bait, also LOBWORM.
ORGULOUSorgulous adj. Proud; haughty; disdainful.
orgulous adj. Ostentatious; showy.
orgulous adj. Swollen; augmented; excessive.
ROSESLUGroseslug n. Alternative form of rose slug.
rose␣slug n. The larvae of various species of sawfly that feed on rose plant leaves.
ROSESLUG n. a larval sawfly that eats rose leaves.
RUGOSELYrugosely adv. In a rugose manner.
RUGOSE adv. wrinkled; covered with sunken lines, also RUGATE, RUGOUS.
RUGULOSErugulose adj. Having small or fine-grained wrinkles. The sense of "somewhat rugose" is better expressed by "subrugulose".
RUGULOSE adj. having small wrinkles.
SLUGHORNslughorn n. (Nonstandard, rare) A wind instrument.
slughorn n. Obsolete spelling of slogan (“a battle cry among the ancient Irish or highlanders of Scotland”).
slug-horn n. Alternative form of slughorn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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