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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing G, L, M, N and 2O

BLOOMINGblooming v. Present participle of bloom.
blooming adj. Opening in blossoms; flowering.
blooming adj. Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.
ENGLOOMSenglooms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of engloom.
ENGLOOM v. to make gloomy.
GLOOMINGglooming v. Present participle of gloom.
glooming n. Twilight of morning or evening; the gloaming.
glooming n. Gloomy behaviour; melancholy.
LONGFORMlongform adj. (Advertising, of a television advertisement) Running for a relatively long time, typically more than two minutes.
longform adj. (Journalism, broadcasting) Longer and more detailed than is normal.
long-form adj. (Journalism) Alternative form of longform.
LONGSOMElongsome adj. (Archaic, UK dialectal) Marked or characterised by longness or length; lengthy; long-lasting; protracted.
longsome adj. (UK dialectal) Tedious; tiresomely long.
LONGSOME adj. tediously long.
LONGWORMLONGWORM n. as in sea longworm, a kind of marine worm.
MENOLOGYmenology n. Alternative spelling of Menologium.
MENOLOGY n. an ecclesiastical calendar.
MONOGLOTmonoglot n. A person capable of speaking only a single language.
monoglot adj. Capable of speaking only a single language; monolingual.
MONOGLOT n. a person speaking or writing only one language.
MONOLOGSmonologs n. Plural of monolog.
monologs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monolog.
MONOLOG n. a lengthy speech by one person.
MONOLOGYmonology n. The habit of soliloquizing, or of monopolizing conversation.
monology n. (Rare, countable) A work consisting of a single part (As opposed to a dilogy, trilogy, etc.).
MONOLOGY n. the act of uttering a monolog.
NOMOLOGYnomology n. The study of laws.
nomology n. The study of general physical and logical laws.
nomology n. The science of the laws of the mind; rational psychology.
SLOOMINGslooming v. Present participle of sloom.
SLOOM v. to slumber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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