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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing G, I, 2S and 2T

EGOTISTSegotists n. Plural of egotist.
EGOTIST n. a conceited person.
GUSTIESTgustiest adj. Superlative form of gusty: most gusty.
GUSTY adj. blowing in gusts.
GUTSIESTgutsiest adj. Superlative form of gutsy: most gutsy.
GUTSY adj. (colloquial) courageous.
SAGITTASsagittas n. Plural of sagitta.
SAGITTA n. (Latin) a keystone.
SETTINGSsettings n. Plural of setting.
SETTING n. the scenery used in a theatre production.
SITTINGSsittings n. Plural of sitting.
SITTING n. a meeting or session.
SOTTINGSSOTTING n. the act of sotting.
STAGIESTstagiest adj. Superlative form of stagy: most stagy.
STAGY adj. having a theatrical quality, also STAGEY.
TASTINGStastings n. Plural of tasting.
TASTING n. the act of tasting.
TESTINGStestings n. Plural of testing.
TESTING n. the act of testing.
TIGHTASStightass n. (Slang, mildly vulgar) Someone who does not know how to have fun, or who is so worried about insignificant…
tightass n. (Slang, mildly vulgar) Someone who is stingy, or who is tight with money.
TIGHTASS n. (colloquial) an inhibited or excessively self-controlled person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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