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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing G, I, 2N, R and W

AWARNINGawarning v. Present participle of awarn.
AWARN v. (Spenser) to warn.
BROWNINGbrowning n. The act or operation of giving a brown colour, as to gun barrels, cooked food, etc.
browning n. Any of various preparations used to impart a brown colour to gravy, leather, etc.
browning n. (Masonry) A smooth coat of brown mortar, usually the second coat, and the preparation for the finishing…
CROWNINGcrowning v. Present participle of crown.
crowning adj. Supreme; of a surpassing quality or quantity.
crowning n. A coronation.
DROWNINGdrowning v. Present participle of drown.
drowning n. An instance of a person or animal drowning.
drowning n. An instance of a person or animal being drowned.
FROWNINGfrowning v. Present participle of frown.
frowning n. The act of giving a frown.
FROWN v. to wrinkle the brow with displeasure.
PRAWNINGprawning v. Present participle of prawn.
PRAWN v. to fish for edible shellfish.
RENEWINGrenewing v. Present participle of renew.
renewing n. A renewal.
RENEWING n. the act of renewing.
ROWNDINGrownding v. Present participle of rownd.
ROWND v. (obsolete) to round.
UNWIRINGunwiring v. Present participle of unwire.
UNWIRE v. to take the wire from.
WARNINGSwarnings n. Plural of warning.
Warnings prop.n. Plural of Warning.
WARNING n. the act of warning.
WINDRINGWINDRING adj. (Shakespeare) winding.
WRANGINGWRANG v. (dialect) to wrong.
WRINGINGwringing v. Present participle of wring.
wringing n. The act by which something is wrung.
WRING v. to twist so as to compress.
WRONGINGwronging v. Present participle of wrong.
wronging n. An act by which somebody is wronged.
WRONG v. to treat injuriously or unjustly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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