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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing G, I, M, N, R and T

EMIGRANTemigrant n. Someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country.
emigrant n. Any of various pierid butterflies of the genus Catopsilia. Also called a migrant.
EMIGRANT n. one who emigrates.
MATURINGmaturing v. Present participle of mature.
MATURE v. to develop fully, also MATURATE.
MERITINGmeriting v. Present participle of merit.
MERIT v. to deserve.
METERINGmetering n. The act of using a meter for measurement.
metering n. (Chiefly US) The process of marking a stamp with a meter.
metering n. (Chiefly US) The marking itself; franking. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
MIGRANTSmigrants n. Plural of migrant.
MIGRANT n. one who migrates, also MIGRATOR.
MITERINGmitering v. Present participle of miter.
MITER v. (US) to join with a type of woodworking joint, also MITRE.
MORTLINGmortling n. (UK, dialect) An animal, such as a sheep, that has died of disease or privation.
mortling n. (UK) Wool taken from a dead sheep.
MORTLING n. a sheep that has died from disease, also MORLING.
MOTORINGmotoring v. Present participle of motor.
motoring n. The act of driving a car.
MOTORING n. the recreation of travelling by automobile.
REGIMENTregiment n. (Military) A unit of armed troops under the command of an officer, and consisting of several smaller…
regiment n. (Now rare, archaic) Rule or governance over a person, place etc.; government, authority.
regiment n. (Obsolete) The state or office of a ruler; rulership.
REMATINGremating v. Present participle of remate.
remating n. A second or subsequent mating.
REMATE v. to mate again.
RETIMINGretiming v. Present participle of retime.
RETIME v. to time again.
SMARTINGsmarting adj. Painful, sore.
smarting adj. (Figuratively) Experiencing emotional pain or embarrassment.
smarting v. Present participle of smart.
SMIRTINGsmirting v. Present participle of smirt.
SMIRTING n. (Irish) the act of arranging dates while smoking outside a pub.
STORMINGstorming v. Present participle of storm.
storming n. The act by which something is stormed.
storming n. The act of one who storms or rages.
TRAMMINGtramming v. Present participle of tram.
TRAM v. to travel by tramcar.
TRAMPINGtramping v. Present participle of tramp.
tramping n. The act or sound of one who tramps, or walks heavily.
tramping n. (Australia, New Zealand, uncountable) Walking in the countryside for pleasure or sport; hiking.
TRIMMINGtrimming n. (Uncountable) The act or process of someone who trims.
trimming n. (Countable) An instance of that act or process.
trimming n. (Countable) Material that is removed by someone trimming something, as a piece of steak.
TROMPINGtromping v. Present participle of tromp.
TROMP v. to apply heavy foot pressure to something; to tread heavily.
TRUMPINGtrumping v. Present participle of trump.
trumping n. The act by which something is trumped, topped or capped.
trumping n. (Poetic, archaic) The sound of a trumpet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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