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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing G, I, L, R, T and U

BLURTINGblurting v. Present participle of blurt.
blurting n. Something that is blurted, or spoken hastily without thinking.
BLURTING n. the act of blurting, speaking without due thought.
GUILTIERguiltier adj. Comparative form of guilty: more guilty.
GUILTY adj. worthy of blame for an offence.
HURTLINGhurtling v. Present participle of hurtle.
hurtling n. The act of something being hurtled or thrown.
HURTLE v. to rush violently.
LIGATUREligature n. (Uncountable) The act of tying or binding something.
ligature n. (Countable) A cord or similar thing used to tie something; especially the thread used in surgery to…
ligature n. A thread or wire used to remove tumours, etc.
LITURGICliturgic adj. Liturgical.
LITURGIC adj. pertaining to, of or the nature of, a liturgy, also LITURGICAL.
LUSTRINGlustring n. A glossy silk fabric; lutestring.
LUSTRING n. a glossy silk cloth, also LUSTRINE, LUTESTRING.
RIGHTFULrightful adj. By right; by law.
RIGHTFUL adj. just and proper.
RUSTLINGrustling v. Present participle of rustle.
rustling n. The rounding up and theft of animals, cattle in particular.
rustling n. A series of rustles.
TROULINGtrouling v. Present participle of troul.
TROULE v. (Milton) to roll, trundle.
TURGIDLYturgidly adv. In a turgid manner.
TURGID adv. swollen, inflated, also TURGENT.
TURTLINGturtling n. The hunting of turtles (the reptiles).
turtling n. (Nautical) Turning turtle.
turtling n. (Figuratively) Any slow progression or build-up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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