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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing G, I, 2L, N and R

ALLERGINallergin n. Something that provokes an allergic reaction; an allergen.
ALLERGIN n. a substance that induces an allergic reaction, also ALLERGEN.
ALLURINGalluring v. Present participle of allure.
alluring n. The action of the verb allure.
alluring adj. Having the power to allure.
BULLRINGbullring n. Alternative form of bull ring (“area where a bullfight takes place”).
bull␣ring n. (Bullfighting) The area in which bullfighting takes place.
BULLRING n. a bullfight arena.
DRILLINGdrilling v. Present participle of drill.
drilling n. Act of drilling.
drilling n. A long firearm with three barrels (typically a mix of shotgun and rifle barrels).
DROLLINGdrolling v. Present participle of droll.
drolling n. (Archaic) A joke or jest; drollery.
DROLLING n. the act of a jester.
FRILLINGfrilling v. Present participle of frill.
frilling n. A frilled ornamentation on clothing.
FRILLING n. an arrangement of frills.
GRILLINGgrilling v. Present participle of grill.
grilling n. (Informal) A thorough interrogation.
grilling n. The act or process of grilling, or broiling.
GRILLIONgrillion n. (Slang, hyperbolic) An unspecified large number (of).
GRILLION n. an indefinitely large number.
LINGULARlingular adj. Relating to a lingula.
LINGULAR adj. of or like a lingula, a tonguelike process or part.
LORDLINGlordling n. An unimportant or petty lord.
lordling n. A young lord.
LORDLING n. a young or unimportant lord, also LORDING.
LURINGLYluringly adv. So as to lure or tempt; enticingly.
PRILLINGprilling n. The solidification of droplets of molten material falling against an upward stream of air; used especially…
PRILL v. to turn into pellet form e.g. by melting and letting the falling drops solidify.
PROLLINGprolling v. Present participle of proll.
PROLL v. (obsolete) to prowl, also PROLE, PROUL.
RALLYINGrallying v. Present participle of rally.
rallying n. The act of one who rallies.
RALLYING n. the sport of driving in car rallies.
ROLLINGSrollings n. Plural of rolling.
ROLLING n. the act of rolling.
TRILLINGtrilling v. Present participle of trill.
trilling n. The production of a trill sound.
trilling n. (Crystallography) A compound crystal consisting of three individuals.
TROLLINGtrolling v. Present participle of troll.
trolling n. The act of one who trolls (in various senses).
trolling n. A fishing technique in which one or more baited fishing lines are dragged by a moving boat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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