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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing G, 2I, R and 2T

AIRTIGHTairtight adj. Impermeable to air or other gases.
airtight adj. (Figuratively) Having no weak points or flaws.
airtight adj. (Figuratively, of a person) Highly reserved in some matter, particularly tight-lipped or tight-fisted.
ATTIRINGattiring v. Present participle of attire.
attiring n. Ornamentation.
ATTIRING n. the act of dressing.
FRITTINGfritting v. Present participle of frit.
fritting n. The formation of frit or slag by heat with only incipient fusion.
FRIT v. to fuse into a vitreous substance, also FRITT.
GRITTIERgrittier adj. Comparative form of gritty: more gritty.
GRITTY adj. plucky.
GRITTILYgrittily adv. In a gritty way.
GRITTY adv. plucky.
GRITTINGgritting v. Present participle of grit.
gritting n. The act by which something is gritted.
GRITTING n. the act of pressing the teeth together.
RIGHTISTrightist n. One who believes in the politics or policies of the political right.
rightist n. (In combination) One who supports the rights of a specified group.
rightist adj. Of or pertaining to the political right.
TRITHINGtrithing n. (Historical) One of three ancient divisions of a county in England; a riding.
TRITHING n. an administrative division in England.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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