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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing G, 2I, M, R and S

BRIMINGSBRIMING n. phosphorescence of the sea.
DIRIGISMdirigism n. Alternative form of dirigisme.
DIRIGISM n. state control of economic and social spheres.
GRIMIESTgrimiest adj. Superlative form of grimy: most grimy.
GRIMY adj. dirty, covered with grime.
ORIGAMISorigamis n. Plural of origami.
ORIGAMI n. (Japanese) the art of paper folding.
PILGRIMSpilgrims n. Plural of pilgrim.
Pilgrims n. Plural of Pilgrim.
PILGRIM n. someone who goes on a pilgrimage, also PILGRIMAGER, PILGRIMER.
PRIGGISMpriggism n. The quality or state of being priggish; the manners of a prig; exaggerated propriety, fussiness about trivialities.
priggism n. (Obsolete) Roguery; thievery.
PRIGGISM n. prim adherence to convention, also PRIGGERY.
PRIMINGSprimings n. Plural of priming.
PRIMING n. the act of one who primes.
REMISINGremising v. Present participle of remise.
REMISE v. to give up a claim to.
RIGHTISMrightism n. (Uncountable) Belief in, or support of, the principles of the political right.
rightism n. (Countable) An act or statement supporting the political right.
RIGHTISM n. conservative political philosophy.
RIGORISMrigorism n. Strictness (in interpreting or enforcing a rule) (Can we add an example for this sense?).
rigorism n. (Christianity, theology) In Roman Catholic moral theology, the doctrine that in a case of doubt between…
RIGORISM n. rigidity in principle or practice.
RIMMINGSrimmings n. Plural of rimming.
RIMMING n. stimulation of the anus.
SMIRKINGsmirking v. Present participle of smirk.
smirking n. The act of one who smirks.
SMIRK v. to smile in a smug manner, also SMERK.
SMIRRINGsmirring v. Present participle of smirr.
SMIR v. to drizzle, also SMIRR, SMUR.
SMIRTINGsmirting v. Present participle of smirt.
SMIRTING n. (Irish) the act of arranging dates while smoking outside a pub.
TIGERISMtigerism n. Tigerish disposition.
TIGERISM n. swagger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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