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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing G, 2I, L and 2T

BLITTINGblitting v. Present participle of blit.
BLIT v. to transfer a large array of bits between different locations in a computer's memory.
FLITTINGflitting n. Gerund of flit: the motion of something that flits.
flitting n. (Northern England, Scotland) The act of moving from one residence to another; moving house.
flitting v. Present participle of flit.
GRITTILYgrittily adv. In a gritty way.
GRITTY adv. plucky.
KITTLINGkittling v. Present participle of kittle.
kittling n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of kitling.
KITTLE v. to offend.
LITIGANTlitigant n. (Law) A party suing or being sued in a lawsuit, or otherwise calling upon the judicial process to determine…
litigant adj. Disposed to litigate; contending in law; engaged in a lawsuit.
LITIGANT n. one who is engaged in a lawsuit.
LITIGATElitigate v. (Intransitive, construed with on) To go to law; to carry on a lawsuit.
litigate v. (Transitive) To contest in law.
litigate v. (Transitive, transferred sense) To dispute; to fight over.
LITTLINGlittling n. (Archaic, Scotland) A little one; a child.
LITTLING n. (Scots) a child, also LITTLIE, LITTLIN.
OILTIGHToiltight adj. So tightly made that oil cannot enter or escape.
OILTIGHT adj. having the ability to exclude oil.
SLITTINGslitting v. Present participle of slit.
slitting n. The act by which something is slit.
SLIT v. to make a long narrow cut in.
STILTINGstilting v. Present participle of stilt.
stilting n. Stilted language or movement.
stilting n. A structure made of stilts.
TILTINGStiltings n. Plural of tilting.
TILTING n. the act of leaning.
TITLINGStitlings n. Plural of titling.
TITLING n. any of various tits, pipits, and similar small birds, esp. a dunnock.
TITTLINGtittling v. Present participle of tittle.
TITTLE v. to whisper, talk.
TITULINGTITULE v. to give a title to.
TWILIGHTtwilight n. The soft light in the sky seen before the rising and (especially) after the setting of the sun, occasioned…
twilight n. The time when this light is visible; the period between daylight and darkness.
twilight n. (Astronomy) The time when the sun is less than 18° below the horizon.
TWILTINGtwilting v. Present participle of twilt.
TWILT v. to quilt.
VITTLINGvittling v. Present participle of vittle.
VITTLE v. (dialect) to provide with food, also VICTUAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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