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There are 19 eight-letter words containing G, 2I, L, N and V

ANVILINGanviling v. Present participle of anvil.
ANVIL v. to shape on a heavy iron block.
AVAILINGavailing v. Present participle of avail.
availing adj. Efficacious.
availing n. (Dated) Effect in achieving a goal or aim; purpose, use.
CAVILINGcaviling v. Present participle of cavil.
caviling n. Cavilation.
CAVIL v. to raise trivial and frivolous objections.
DEVILINGdeviling v. Present participle of devil.
deviling n. (Obsolete) A young devil.
GINGIVALgingival adj. Relating to the gums.
gingival adj. (Linguistics, obsolete) Alveolar.
GINGIVAL adj. (Latin) pertaining to the fleshy tissue surrounding the teeth.
INVEIGLEinveigle v. (Transitive) To convert, convince, or win over with flattery or wiles.
inveigle v. (Transitive) To obtain through guile or cunning.
inveigle v. (Transitive, obsolete) To fool, to delude, to blind in judgement.
LIVENINGlivening v. Present participle of liven.
LIVEN v. to make lively.
LIVERINGlivering n. (Obsolete) A kind of pudding or sausage made of liver or pork.
LIVERING n. the act of thickening or gelling.
LIVINGLYlivingly adv. In actual living experience; really, vitally.
livingly adv. Realistically; as if experienced in life or as if alive.
RELIVINGreliving v. Present participle of relive.
reliving n. The act by which something is relived.
RELIVE v. to experience again.
REVILINGreviling v. Present participle of revile.
reviling n. Reproach; abuse; vilification.
REVILING adj. abusive.
RIVALINGrivaling v. (US) present participle of rival.
RIVAL v. to strive to equal or surpass.
UNLIVINGunliving adj. Not living; unalive, dead, inanimate.
UNLIVE v. to live so as to make amends for.
VEILINGSveilings n. Plural of veiling.
VEILING n. material for making veils.
VIALLINGvialling v. Present participle of vial.
VIAL v. to put in a small container for liquids.
VIGILANTvigilant adj. Watchful, especially for danger or disorder; alert; wary.
VIGILANT adj. watchful.
VIRGINALvirginal adj. Being or resembling a virgin.
virginal adj. Uncontaminated or pure.
virginal adj. (Zoology) parthenogenetic.
VIRGINLYvirginly adj. Befitting a virgin; coy, innocent, pure, unspotted; chaste, etc.
virginly adv. In a virgin manner; purely, innocently, chastely.
VIRGIN adv. chaste.
VITTLINGvittling v. Present participle of vittle.
VITTLE v. (dialect) to provide with food, also VICTUAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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