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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing G, H, I, O and 2T

GOETHITEgoethite n. (Mineralogy) An iron oxyhydroxide that is the main constituent of rust.
GOETHITE n. a hydrous oxide of iron, occurring in prismatic crystals, also GOTHITE.
GOTHIESTGOTHY adj. (colloquial) relating to Gothic music or fashion.
GOTHITESgothites n. Plural of gothite.
GOTHITE n. an ore of iron, also GOETHITE.
HOTTINGSHOTTING n. attempting stunts in stolen powerful cars.
OILTIGHToiltight adj. So tightly made that oil cannot enter or escape.
OILTIGHT adj. having the ability to exclude oil.
OUTFIGHToutfight v. To fight or battle better than.
OUTFIGHT v. to surpass in fighting.
OUTNIGHToutnight v. (Transitive) To surpass in telling tales of nights one has experienced.
OUTNIGHT v. (Shakespeare) to surpass in mentioning nights.
OUTRIGHToutright adv. Wholly, completely and entirely.
outright adv. Openly and without reservation.
outright adv. At once.
OUTSIGHToutsight n. Sight for that which is on the outside; the ability or capacity to perceive or anticipate external things;…
outsight n. Expectation; prospect.
outsight n. (Scotland) Movable goods kept out of doors, such as animals, ploughs, carts, and other implements of husbandry.
SHOTTINGshotting v. Present participle of shot.
SHOT v. to load with small pellets.
TONIGHTStonights n. Plural of tonight.
to-nights n. Plural of to-night.
TONIGHT n. the present night.
TOOTHINGtoothing n. The act or process of indenting or furnishing with teeth.
toothing n. (Construction) Bricks alternately projecting at the end of a wall, in order to be bonded into a continuation…
toothing v. Present participle of tooth.
TROTHINGtrothing v. Present participle of troth.
TROTH v. (Shakespeare) to promise to marry, also BETROTH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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