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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing G, H, I, K, N and S

GHERKINSgherkins n. Plural of gherkin.
GHERKIN n. (Dutch) a kind of small, prickly cucumber, much used for pickles, also GIRKIN.
HACKINGShackings n. Plural of hacking.
Hackings prop.n. Plural of Hacking.
HACKING n. horseback riding.
HAWKINGShawkings n. Plural of hawking.
Hawkings prop.n. A surname originating as a patronymic.
HAWKING n. falconry.
HOOKINGShookings n. Plural of hooking.
HOOKING n. an illegal move in hockey involving the blade of a stick.
HUSKINGShuskings n. Plural of husking.
HUSKING n. a festive gathering to assist in husking maize.
KINGFISHkingfish n. Any of several food fishes of the genus Menticirrhus from the Atlantic; kingcroaker.
kingfish n. Other Atlantic fish.
kingfish n. Any of several similar fishes of the Pacific.
KINGSHIPkingship n. The dignity, rank or office of a king; the state of being a king.
kingship n. A monarchy.
kingship n. The territory or dominion of a king; a kingdom.
SHACKINGshacking v. Present participle of shack.
SHACK v. to avoid responsibility.
SHAKINGSshakings n. Plural of shaking.
shakings n. (Nautical) The sweepings from a ship’s deck; the refuse of cordage, canvas, etc.
SHAKING n. the act of shaking.
SHANKINGshanking v. Present participle of shank.
shanking n. (Slang) A stabbing with a shank (improvised weapon).
SHANK v. to hit sharply to the right, as a golf ball.
SHARKINGsharking v. Present participle of shark.
sharking n. The act of one who sharks (in any sense).
SHARKING n. trickery, deception.
SHIRKINGshirking v. Present participle of shirk.
shirking n. The act of one who shirks.
SHIRK v. to avoid work or a duty.
SHOCKINGshocking adj. Inspiring shock; startling.
shocking adj. Unusually obscene or lewd.
shocking adj. (Colloquial) Extremely bad.
SHUCKINGshucking v. Present participle of shuck.
shucking n. An event at which something is shucked.
SHUCKING n. the act of one that shucks.
WHISKINGwhisking v. Present participle of whisk.
whisking n. The motion of something that is whisked.
whisking n. The movement of an animal’s whiskers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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