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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2G, I, N, R and T

GAROTINGgaroting v. Present participle of garote.
GAROTE v. to execute by strangling, also GARROTE, GAROTTE, GARROTTE.
GIRTHINGgirthing v. Present participle of girth.
GIRTH v. to put a girth on.
GRAFTINGgrafting v. Present participle of graft.
grafting n. (Horticulture) The act, art, or process of inserting grafts.
grafting n. (Nautical) The act or method of weaving a cover for a ring, rope end, etc.
GRANTINGgranting v. Present participle of grant.
granting n. The act by which something is granted.
GRANT v. to bestow upon.
GRATINGSgratings n. Plural of grating.
GRATING n. a network of bars covering an opening.
GREETINGgreeting n. A conventional phrase used to start a letter or conversation or otherwise to acknowledge a person’s…
greeting n. (Uncountable) The action of the verb to greet.
greeting v. Present participle of greet.
GRIFTINGgrifting v. Present participle and gerund of grift.
GRIFT v. (US) to swindle.
GRITTINGgritting v. Present participle of grit.
gritting n. The act by which something is gritted.
GRITTING n. the act of pressing the teeth together.
GROUTINGgrouting v. Present participle of grout.
grouting n. An application of grout.
GROUTING n. thin mortar used to fill cracks.
GRUNTINGgrunting v. Present participle of grunt.
grunting n. A sound of grunts.
grunting adj. Producing grunts.
GYRATINGgyrating v. Present participle of gyrate.
GYRATE v. to revolve or rotate.
RIGHTINGrighting v. Present participle of right.
righting n. The act of putting something right.
righting n. The return of a vehicle to an upright orientation from a tilted or inverted orientation.
RINGGITSringgits n. Plural of ringgit.
RINGGIT n. (Malay) a monetary unit in Brunei.
TRIAGINGtriaging v. Present participle of triage.
TRIAGE v. to practise triage.
TRIGGINGtrigging v. Present participle of trig.
TRIG v. to make something trig.
TROGGINGtrogging v. Present participle of trog.
TROG v. to walk wearily.
TRUDGINGtrudging v. Present participle of trudge.
trudging n. The act of one who trudges, or walks slowly and heavily.
TRUDGING n. the act of walking wearily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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