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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing G, I, N, R, S and T

GASTRINgastrin n. (Biochemistry) A hormone that stimulates the production of gastric acid in the stomach.
GASTRIN n. a hormone which stimulates production of gastric juice.
GRATINSgratins n. Plural of gratin.
GRATIN n. (French) the golden-brown crust covering a gratinated food or dish.
RATINGSratings n. Plural of rating.
RATING n. an estimate or evaluation.
RESTINGresting n. The action of rest.
resting n. A place where one can rest; a resting place.
resting n. A pause; a break; an interlude.
ROSTINGROST v. (obsolete) to roast.
RUSTINGrusting v. Present participle of rust.
rusting n. The development of rust on a surface.
RUSTING n. the act of rusting.
SORTINGsorting v. Present participle of sort.
sorting n. (Gerund) Ordering.
sorting n. (Gerund) Categorizing.
STARINGstaring v. Present participle of stare.
staring n. The act of one who stares.
staring adj. Shining; vivid, garish.
STINGERstinger n. A pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack.
stinger n. Anything that is used to sting, as a means of attack.
stinger n. Anything, such as an insult, that stings mentally or psychologically.
STIRINGSTIRE v. (archaic) to stir, also STYRE.
STORINGstoring v. Present participle of store.
storing n. An amount stored.
STORE v. to put away for future use.
STRINGSstrings n. Plural of string.
strings n. (Music) Collectively, the stringed instruments in an orchestra.
strings n. (Figuratively) Conditions, especially undesirable ones.
STRINGYstringy adj. Composed of, or resembling, string or strings.
stringy adj. (Of food) Tough to the bite, as containing too much sinew or string tissue.
stringy adj. (Of a person) Wiry, lean, scrawny.
STYRINGSTYRE v. (Spenser) to stir, also STIRE.
TARINGStarings n. Plural of taring.
TARING n. the calculating of a tare.
TIRINGStirings n. Plural of tiring.
TIRING n. in falconry, a bony or tough portion of meat given to a bird to pull at for exercise.
TRIGONStrigons n. Plural of trigon.
TRIGON n. a figure having three angles; a triangle.
TRYINGStryings n. Plural of trying.
TRYING n. the act of trying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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