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There are 15 seven-letter words containing G, I, M, N, S and U

AMUSINGamusing v. Present participle of amuse.
amusing adj. Entertaining.
amusing adj. Funny, hilarious.
IMPUGNSimpugns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impugn.
IMPUGN v. to attack by words.
INGRUMSINGRUM n. (obsolete) an ignorant person, also INGRAM.
LIGNUMSlignums n. Plural of lignum.
LIGNUM n. (Latin) the fragrant wood of several shrubs and trees.
MEUSINGMEUSE v. to pass through a meuse.
MOUSINGmousing v. Present participle of mouse.
mousing n. The act of hunting mice (or similar prey), especially by pouncing on them from above.
mousing n. (Nautical) A turn or lashing of spun yarn or small stuff, or a metallic clasp or fastening, uniting…
MUGGINSmuggins n. A fool or idiot (especially as an ironic way of referring to oneself).
muggins n. (Cribbage) The act of stealing another player’s points because they either mispegged or counted up incorrectly.
muggins n. (Uncountable) A game of dominoes in which the object is to make the sum of the two ends of the line…
MUSHINGmushing v. Present participle of mush.
mushing n. Action of the verb to mush (travel with a dog sled).
mushing n. A race with a dog team.
MUSINGSmusings n. Plural of musing (thoughts; ideas).
MUSING n. the act of musing.
MUSKINGmusking v. Present participle of musk.
MUSK v. to perfume with a strong-smelling substance.
MUSSINGmussing v. Present participle of muss.
MUSS v. to disarrange, to mess, also MUSSE.
MUSTINGmusting v. Present participle of must.
MUST v. to powder, also MOUST, MUIST.
SOUMINGsouming v. Present participle of soum.
souming n. (Scotland, historical) A measure of the number of animals that can be fed on a given amount of pasturage.
SOUMING n. the act of souming.
SPUMINGspuming v. Present participle of spume.
SPUME v. to foam.
SUMMINGsumming v. Present participle of sum.
summing n. The act or result of addition; a sum.
summing pron. (Colloquial) Alternative form of something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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