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There are 17 seven-letter words containing G, H, 2I, N and T

HILTINGhilting v. Present participle of hilt.
HILT v. to provide a handle for a weapon.
HINTINGhinting n. The act of giving a hint or suggestion.
hinting n. (Typography) The process of adding hints to a computer-based font in order to align the glyphs to a…
hinting v. Present participle of hint.
HISTINGhisting v. Present participle of hist.
HIST v. to urge or summon with such an interjection.
HITTINGhitting n. A series of hits or blows directed at a person or object.
hitting v. Present participle of hit.
HIT v. to strike forcibly.
INFIGHTinfight v. (Intransitive) To fight with allies or other members of the same group.
infight v. (Boxing) To box while extremely close to an opponent.
infight n. An internal battle; a fight with allies or other members of the same group.
INSIGHTinsight n. A sight or view of the interior of anything; a deep inspection or view; introspection; frequently used with into.
insight n. Power of acute observation and deduction.
insight n. (Marketing) Knowledge (usually derived from consumer understanding) that a company applies in order…
ITCHINGitching v. Present participle of itch.
itching n. A sensation that itches.
ITCHING n. a tingling skin sensation.
KITHINGkithing v. Present participle of kithe.
KITHE v. to make known, also KYTHE.
LITHINGlithing v. Present participle of lithe.
LITHE v. to listen.
NIGHTIEnightie n. (Informal) A woman’s nightgown or nightdress for wearing to bed.
nightie phr. Alternative form of nighty (“good night”).
NIGHTIE n. a nightgown, also NIGHTY.
NITHINGnithing n. (Archaic) A coward, a dastard; a wretch.
nithing n. (Archaic) A wicked person; also, one who has acted immorally or unlawfully.
nithing adj. (Archaic) Cowardly, dastardly.
PITHINGpithing v. Present participle of pith.
PITH v. to sever the central nervous system of.
SHITINGshiting v. Present participle of shite.
SHITE v. (vulgar slang) to shit, also SHIT.
SITHINGsithing v. Present participle of sithe.
SITHE v. (archaic) to scythe.
TITHINGtithing n. A tithe or tenth in its various senses, (particularly)…
tithing n. (Dialectal) Ten sheaves of wheat (originally set up as such for the tithe-proctor).
tithing n. (Historical, law) A body of households (originally a tenth of a hundred or ten households) bound by…
WHITINGwhiting n. A fine white chalk used in paints, putty, whitewash etc.
whiting v. Present participle of white.
whiting n. A fish, Merlangius merlangus (family Gadidae), similar to cod, found in the North Atlantic; English whiting (US).
WITHINGwithing v. Present participle of withe.
withing prep. Misspelling of within.
WITHE v. to bind with flexible twigs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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