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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2G, 2I and 2N

BINGINGbinging v. Present participle of binge.
binging v. Present participle of bing.
Binging v. Present participle of Bing.
DINGINGdinging v. Present participle of ding.
DING v. to dash; to throw violently.
GAININGgaining v. Present participle of gain.
gaining n. Gain; profit.
GAINING n. a thing gained, profit.
GINNINGginning v. Present participle of gin.
ginning n. The act of removing seeds from cotton with a cotton gin.
GINNING n. cotton as it comes from the cotton-gin.
GIRNINGgirning n. (Northern England) A light-hearted competition in which people girn (make elaborate faces) through a…
girning v. Present participle of girn.
GIRN v. (dialect) to grin, make faces, also GERNE, GURN.
HINGINGhinging v. Present participle of hinge.
HINGE v. to attach a jointed device.
INGOINGingoing adj. Going in; entering.
ingoing n. The act of going in; entrance.
ingoing n. An internal recess of a window.
KINGINGkinging v. Present participle of king.
KING v. to make king; to provide with a king.
MINGINGminging adj. (UK, slang) Very unattractive; ugly.
minging adj. (UK, slang) Unclean or dirty; disgusting and foul-smelling.
minging n. (Medicine, rare, obsolete) A premonitory symptom.
NIGHINGnighing v. Present participle of nigh.
NIGH v. to draw near to, also NIE, NY, NYE.
PINGINGpinging v. Present participle of ping.
pinging n. The sound of a ping.
pinging n. The act of sending a ping, as by a submarine or over a computer network.
RINGINGringing n. The sound of something that rings.
ringing n. The quality of being resonant.
ringing n. A technique used in the study of wild birds, by attaching a small, individually numbered, metal or plastic…
SIGNINGsigning n. The act of concluding a contract, especially by an athlete or entertainer with a company.
signing n. (By extension) A player signed by a sporting organization.
signing n. An event (signing session) in a bookshop etc. where an author signs copies of his or her book.
SINGINGsinging n. The act of using the voice to produce musical sounds; vocalizing.
singing n. (Informal) Disclosing information, or giving evidence about another.
singing n. (US) A gathering for the purpose of singing shape note songs.
TINGINGtinging v. Present participle of tinge.
tinging v. Present participle of ting.
TING v. to emit a high-pitched metallic sound.
WINGINGwinging v. Present participle of wing.
winging v. Present participle of winge.
winging v. Alternative spelling of whinging.
ZINGINGzinging v. Present participle of zing.
ZING v. to move very swiftly, esp. with a high-pitched hum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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