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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing G, 3L, T and Y

ALGORITHMICALLYalgorithmically adv. Using an algorithm.
ALGORITHMIC adv. relating to an algorithm.
DYSLOGISTICALLYdyslogistically adv. In a dyslogistic manner.
DYSLOGISTIC adv. conveying censure.
DYSTELEOLOGICALdysteleological adj. Of or pertaining to dysteleology.
DYSTELEOLOGICAL adj. related to dysteleology, the study of functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.
ENTOMOLOGICALLYentomologically adv. In terms of entomology.
ENTOMOLOGICAL adv. relating to entomology.
INTELLIGIBILITYintelligibility n. That which is intelligible; the degree to which something is intelligible.
intelligibility n. The quality of recorded speech of every word being understandable.
INTELLIGIBILITY n. the state of being intelligible.
LOGARITHMICALLYlogarithmically adv. In a logarithmic manner.
LOGARITHMICAL adv. of or like a logarithm, also LOGARITHMIC.
METALLURGICALLYmetallurgically adv. In terms of metallurgy.
METALLURGICAL adv. relating to metallurgy, also METALLURGIC.
NEOLOGISTICALLYneologistically adv. In a neologistic manner.
NEOLOGISTICAL adv. relating to neologism, also NEOLOGISTIC.
PHYTOFLAGELLATEphytoflagellate n. Any dinoflagellate of the class Phytomastigophorea.
PHYTOFLAGELLATE n. any of various organisms (as dinoflagellates) that have many characteristics in common with typical algae.
POLYGENETICALLYpolygenetically adv. In a polygenetic manner.
POLYGENETIC adv. of polygenesis; springing from several sources.
SCINTILLATINGLYscintillatingly adv. In a scintillating way.
SOMATOLOGICALLYsomatologically adv. In terms of somatology.
SOMATOLOGICAL adv. relating to somatology, also SOMATOLOGIC.
STALAGMITICALLYstalagmitically adv. Like a stalagmite; accumulating from floor to ceiling.
STALAGMITICAL adv. of or like a stalagmite, also STALAGMITIC.
STEREOLOGICALLYstereologically adv. By means of, or in terms of, stereology.
STEREOLOGICAL adv. relating to stereology.
SYLLOGISTICALLYsyllogistically adv. In a syllogistic way.
SYLLOGISTICAL adv. of or like a syllogism.
TECHNOLOGICALLYtechnologically adv. In a technological manner.
technologically adv. Using technology.
TECHNOLOGICAL adv. relating to technology, also TECHNOLOGIC.
TELEGRAPHICALLYtelegraphically adv. By means of telegraphy.
telegraphically adv. In the concise style of a telegraph.
TELEGRAPHIC adv. of or relating to the telegraph.
TOXICOLOGICALLYtoxicologically adv. In a toxicological manner; with regard to toxicology.
TOXICOLOGICAL adv. of or relating to toxicology, the study of poisons, also TOXICOLOGIC.
UNINTELLIGENTLYunintelligently adv. In an unintelligent manner; stupidly.
unintelligently adv. Lacking in understanding; uncomprehendingly.
UNINTELLIGENT adv. not intelligent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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