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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing G, L, N, P and 2R

CORPOREALISINGcorporealising v. Present participle of corporealise.
CORPOREALISE v. to make corporeal, also CORPOREALIZE.
CORPOREALIZINGcorporealizing v. Present participle of corporealize.
CORPOREALIZE v. to make corporeal, also CORPOREALISE.
ENTERPRISINGLYenterprisingly adv. In an enterprising manner.
ENTERPRISING adv. marked by an independent energetic spirit and by readiness to act.
OVERPOWERINGLYoverpoweringly adv. In an overpowering manner.
OVERPOWERING adv. OVERPOWER, to overcome or reduce to helplessness.
PREFORMULATINGpreformulating v. Present participle of preformulate.
PREFORMULATE v. to formulate in advance.
PRESTERILIZINGpresterilizing v. Present participle of presterilize.
PRESTERILIZE v. to sterilize in advance, also PRESTERILISE.
REPOPULARISINGrepopularising v. Present participle of repopularise.
REPOPULARISE v. to popularise again, also REPOPULARIZE.
REPOPULARIZINGrepopularizing v. Present participle of repopularize.
REPOPULARIZE v. to popularize again, also REPOPULARISE.
REUPHOLSTERINGreupholstering v. Present participle of reupholster.
re-upholstering v. Present participle of re-upholster.
REUPHOLSTER v. to upholster again.
SELENOGRAPHERSselenographers n. Plural of selenographer.
SELENOGRAPHER n. one who maps the moon, also SELENOGRAPHIST.
SUPERREGIONALSsuperregionals n. Plural of superregional.
SUPERREGIONAL n. a sporting event contested by many regions.
TRANSPORTINGLYtransportingly adv. So as to transport, to carry away emotionally.
TRANSPORTING adv. engrossing.
UNPROGRAMMABLEunprogrammable adj. That cannot be programmed.
UNPROGRAMMABLE adj. not programmable.
UNSURPRISINGLYunsurprisingly adv. Not surprisingly, as could be expected.
UNSURPRISING adv. not surprising or unexpected.
URANOGRAPHICALuranographical adj. Relating to uranography.
URANOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to uranography, descriptive astronomy and mapping, also URANOGRAPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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