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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing G, 3L, S and T

ASTROLOGICALLYastrologically adv. In an astrological manner.
astrologically adv. With regard to astrology.
ASTROLOGICAL adv. relating to astrology, also ASTROLOGIC.
COLLEGIALITIEScollegialities n. Plural of collegiality.
COLLEGIALITY n. the process of making decisions, taking actions etc. shared by all the bishops of a church.
EULOGISTICALLYeulogistically adv. In the form or manner of a eulogy; with praise.
EULOGISTICAL adv. of or like a eulogy, also EULOGISTIC.
FLAGELLANTISMSflagellantisms n. Plural of flagellantism.
FLAGELLANTISM n. the practice of whipping oneself or another.
HISTOLOGICALLYhistologically adv. In a histological manner.
HISTOLOGICAL adv. relating to histology, the study of organic tissue, also HISTOLOGIC.
ILLEGALISATIONillegalisation n. Alternative form of illegalization.
ILLEGALISATION n. the process of illegalising, also ILLEGALIZATION.
ILLEGIBILITIESillegibilities n. Plural of illegibility.
ILLEGIBILITY n. the state of being illegible.
ILLOGICALITIESillogicalities n. Plural of illogicality.
ILLOGICALITY n. the state of being illogical.
LACTOGLOBULINSlactoglobulins n. Plural of lactoglobulin.
LACTOGLOBULIN n. a crystalline protein fraction that is obtained from the whey of milk.
LEGALISTICALLYlegalistically adv. In a legalistic manner; in a manner promoting legalism.
LEGALISTIC adv. inclined to legalism.
LINGUISTICALLYlinguistically adv. In the manner of linguistics.
linguistically adv. From a linguistic perspective.
LINGUISTICAL adv. relating to language, also LINGUISTIC.
MULTISKILLINGSMULTISKILLING n. in technologically advanced industries, the training of employees in a variety of skills.
OSTEOLOGICALLYosteologically adv. Concerning only the osteological aspects.
OSTEOLOGICAL adv. relating to osteology.
PUGILISTICALLYpugilistically adv. In a pugilistic manner; by means of fighting; aggressively.
PUGILISTICAL adv. related to pugilism, also PUGILISTIC.
VEXILLOLOGISTSvexillologists n. Plural of vexillologist.
VEXILLOLOGIST n. one who studies flags.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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